How to Avoid Mistakes When Buying Hamsters

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Want to buy a hamster without regret? Over time, hamsters have become a very popular pet around the world. There are several mistakes to avoid when buying hamsters. If you take into account these mistakes before bringing home a new hamster, you and your hamster will be much better off.

Avoid Purchasing On Impulse

You are in a pet shop looking at the animals and you happen upon the hamster cages. You immediately fall in love with these cute little bundles of fur and have to have one. Stop. You are about to make a big mistake.

When buying a hamster (or any pet, for that matter), do not buy impulsively. Before you buy a pet, think about the added responsibility that the pet will create in your life. Who will feed the hamster? Who will change the cage? Who will pay for the vet bills, the cage shavings and the food? Caring for a pet is a big responsibility and a decision that should not be made impulsively.

Avoid Buying Your Hamster From the Pet Shop

The best places to purchase a hamster are from a reputable hamster breeder or from a hamster rescue organization. Breeders are more likely to care for and socialize the animals. Since they often show their own hamsters, you are more likely to get a hamster that has a good genetic background and temperament if you buy from a quality breeder.

Rescue organizations are another good option for getting a hamster. Many of these little creatures have been surrendered by their owners because they could no longer care for them. You will not know the hamster’s background or age if you take one from a rescue group; however, you will be giving a needy hamster another chance at a good life.

Do not purchase a hamster from a pet shop. Animals at pet shops tend to be bred in large numbers for the pet shop industry. Conditions are often atrocious in these “hamster mills”. Many of these hamsters are sickly and weak due to the fact that the mill owner is not careful in his breeding methods. Purchasing from a pet shop contributes to the awful living conditions of future generations of hamsters. It also raises the likelihood of you getting an ill or bad tempered hamster.

Avoid Buying In The Morning

Hamsters are nocturnal, which means they are active at night. Since they sleep during the day, it is best to buy a new hamster in the afternoon. At this time of day, you can get a better idea of the activity level and temperament of different hamsters.

Health Issues

A healthy hamster has clear eyes (without any kind of drainage or cloudiness) and dry fur. The hamster should be alert and moderately active and interested in his or her environment. If there is drainage from the eyes, wet fur and lackluster behavior, the hamster is sick.

Age Issues

Make sure that your new hamster is at least three weeks old. Younger than that and the baby hamster should still be with his or her mother. If separated before the baby is at least three weeks old, it is likely that the baby will die.

You also want to make sure that your hamster is younger than two months of age. Any female hamster older than two months may already be pregnant. Avoid buying older hamsters unless you know for sure that a female is not pregnant or if having a litter of hamsters is okay with you. If you do decide to purchase a pregnant female, take into consideration that this will multiply your expense because hamsters live alone – only one hamster per cage.

In Summary

In summary, there are mistakes to avoid when buying hamsters. These include not purchasing on impulse, avoid buying from a pet shop, making a purchase during the morning, buying an ill, under three weeks or older than two months pet. If you follow these guidelines, your next hamster purchase should be a good experience for both you and the hamster.


Source by Marc Stonebright

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