How to Care for Your Pet That's Suffering From Arthritis

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Pets may easily respond to their owner's commands. Take dogs for instance. It takes only a word or a couple of claps and signals for them to fetch a stick, roll over, and even play dead. Cats, on the other hand, need not be called back home. They can usually find their way to the distance. Unfortunately, this type of pet-human parent relationship is not exactly equalized. We can communicate to our pets but they can not do so as clearly so when they're feeling under the weather, changes and priorities in their behavior are the only signs that we can perceive.

Signs of Arthritis

Arthritis in both animals and humans generally involve joint problems. The usual cause is the 'wear and tear' of cartilages in the joints due to everyday activities that may pressure one's joints such as walking, running, jumping, and other physical efforts. In addition, the occurrence of arthritis can also be highly correlated with aging wherein as one ages, joints tend to degenerate resulting to bone spurs.

Pets usually lead active lives. Dogs and cats especially like to run around the house, playing hide and seek just like kids, and leap from one height to another. Unusual and frequent diminishing of their daily activities may be a sign that your pet could be suffering from an arthritic ailment. They can get grouchy or a lot more sensitive than usual when stroked, cradled, or touched.

Step 1: Consult with the vet

Pets do take their rests though, so these signs are not always accurate. To be sure, it is best to consult with your veterinarian if you suspect arthritis. Regular visits to the veterinarian can help you detect not just the type of arthritis that might be bothering your pet but also other health-related problems through x-ray tests and medical procedures. If arthritis is detected, precise diagnosis also helps to determine which treatment is best to alleviate or permanently cure or rid the condition. For example, some forms of arthritis like hip dysplasia and other more severe ones that have not been immediately immediately may require more invasive procedures such as surgery while others can easily be treated with pain relievers, non-invasive therapies, exercise, and dietary supplements.

Step 2: Treatment

Typically, NSAIDs are also known as Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or corticosteroids which relieves joint pains are quickly prescribed by the doctors. Changes in lifestyles are also recommended treatments to arthritis sufferers most especially if the sufferer is overweight further burdening the joints. Nowadays, dietary glucosamine supplements span the market and are widely being used by arthritis patients. Flexicose Liquid Glucosamine is an example of a dietary glucosamine product. It contains a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate which both were found to treat pain quicker than the usual painkillers in a 24-week test sponsored by the NIH. As you may suspect, the two ingredients synergistically work not just to relieve pain but also to strengthen and repair damaged joint cartilages thereby slowing and eventually reversing the symptoms of arthritis. Flexicose dietary glucosamine supplements come in liquid form for faster absorption and faster results.

Step 3: Rearrange your pet's environment

Of course, you do not expect the treatment to work in just a snap of a finger. While keeping a keen eye on your pet and observing his or her progress during the treatment procedure, why not make his or her environment more accident-free by ensuring that the floors are not slippery, putting cushions in the sharp corners and edges of the house, and the like.


Source by Beverly Maniago

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