The Symptoms
Panic attacks are not uncommon, and are examples of what the medical professional call 'anxiety disorders'. Would you be able to recognize the symptoms of a panic attack? No? Then let's have a look at them so you may be able to recognize them. Mind you, people with some of these symptoms may not necessarily be suffering from panic attacks, so be careful and use your head.
It is not uncommon for a panic attack to be confused with a heart attack. Both can have similar initial symptoms.
What to do
The main thing to do in the event of you having a panic attack is to relax, recognize it for what it is and practice deep breathing. This does not always work, but is the best way to tackle it in yourself. It is more difficult with others. It is very difficult to diagnose panic attacks in others and is probably best left to professionals.
More effective is to avoid having panic attacks in the first place. One theory is that one way to do this is to TRY TO HAVE ONE. It sounds daft, but is claimed to work. The theory is that if they are in fear of something, in this case a panic attack, it tends to happen. Be unafraid and it will not. So, to prevent panic attacks, meet them head on and try to have one. You will not be able to.
If you try to have a panic attack every day, you will not have one. No matter how much you will it, it will not happen. If you suffer from panic attacks it is worth a try. Try it now. Go on – see if you can make panic attacks come on. The theory says you will fail. The key to overcoming a panic attack is not to panic! The symptoms, such as a difficulty in breathing, make you anxious. This anxiety advances you from relaxing which in turn increases the anxiety, and before you know it you have a panic attack.
So do not get anxious! Relax when you can not breathe. Concentrate on breathing deeply and slowly. Take you time and slowly relax. The panic will gradually subside and you will become more relaxed.
There have been many remedies promoted to deal with panic attacks, and most work to some extent or another. What is sauce for the goose is not always sauce for the gander. The best approach is to try as many as you can and find that which looks good for you and stick to it. You never get 'used to' a remedy. You never become immune to a cure for panic attacks.
Once you find out what works for you, keep it with you. Make it available in case of a recurrence.
In America, where they have a technical name for everything, the posh name for panic attacks is 'anxiety disorders'. 5% of Americans are estimated to suffer from anxiety disorders, so it is not a rare condition, if that is the right term. First you must learn to recognize the first stages of panic attacks. After you have had a few you get to know this. Once you recognize this, you can start relaxing and telling it to go away. This is one condition, which can disappear if you tell it to.
Source by Neil Walker