How To Control Your Asthma Allergy Symptoms

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If you suffer from asthma, or know someone who does, then learning effective strategies to control asthma symptoms is very important and could even save your life.

Asthma symptoms can range from just annoying to life threatening, and anywhere in between, and it is on the rise.

More and more people annually are being diagnosed with asthma, and it continues to be one of the most common respiratory conditions in America and Europe.

However, the good news is there are both medical and natural ways to alleviate the symptoms of asthma, and scientific studies are discovering new ways of preventing or relieving the symptoms.

There are a number of studies that have been taking place looking at the role diet has in the development and treatment of asthma.

In a recent study, focused on the diet of young children with asthma, it was found that those children who regularly ate dairy products like full fat milk were less likely to develop asthma.

They also experienced less wheezing when compared to other children who did not eat such foods. The results of the research indicate that dairy products are one food that can reduce the symptoms of asthma in children.

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Another food group that has been used to reduce the symptoms of asthma are foods that contain whole grains, like whole wheat bread.

The same study found that fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fruit juice also seemed to have a beneficial role in reducing the levels of asthma in the children.

Aside from these interesting and very promising results, it is still unclear what triggers asthma. Food allergies have been cited in a number of studies, and so children should be checked for allergies if there are signs of asthma when they are younger.

If an allergy is found, then it is much easier to tailor the diet to avoid the foods that trigger an allergic reaction, and switch to foods that have been shown to have a beneficial effect on reducing asthma.

In this way, not only is the cause of the asthma being removed from the diet, but also the body is being given every chance to fight the sunset of the condition.

There are some other triggers that are easier to control. Asthma symptoms can sometimes come about when food that is either too hot or too cold is consumed, and also if someone oveats.

Worth mentioning is that some food preservatives and additives can trigger some peoples asthma symptoms also, and this includes sulphites that are added to many of the processed foods available today, and in meat products.

Changing your diet to help alleviate or reduce asthma symptoms is a strategy that can easily be incorporated into your own or your child's life. However, always seek the advice of a medical professional before considering any changes to medication that has been prescribed.

Working with your medical adviser to introduce natural ways to control asthma allergy symptoms to work alongside conventional medication can often be a very effective approach in relieving symptoms.


Source by Billy Henders

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