How to Correctly Apply Dwarf Hamster Care

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Dwarf hamster care is easy and that's one of the primary reasons they make such terrific pets. Whether you already own one, or are planning to purchase one, a little knowledge is all that's needed.

Choosing the right cage is the first step towards easy care of dwarf hamsters. Although there are many options on the market, it's necessary to provide a cage with bars that are close together, in order to prevent escape. There are inexpensive mouse cages that work well for them, and even a ten gallon aquarium will do nicely, since the hamster's bedding will remain in the container, and will not be scattered all over the surrounding area.

After the cage has been selected, you will want to line it with just the right bedding to ensure successful dwarf hamster care. Aspen wood shavings or shredded paper work best. Cedar and pine shavings are a terrible choice, as they can cause serious allergic reactions, such as skin lesions and infection, or respiratory problems. The bedding should be a couple of inches deep, allowing the hamster to burrow into it. Changing the bedding once a week is recommended, but wet or soiled bedding should be changed immediately to prevent disease. The cage should be wiped with a non-toxic detergent, and dried before adding new bedding material.

Exercise is an important aspect of proper dwarf hamster care as well. In their native habitat, they run many miles each night, and will need to simulate that experience on an exercise wheel. Smaller feet require a solid wheel, to prevent injury.

Toys may be store-bought, but can also be home made and inexpensive. Favorite props for crawling through are the simple cardboard tubes leftover toilet paper or paper towels. An empty tissue box makes an appropriate niche as long as the plastic has been removed. One part of the care of Dwarf Hamsters that should not be overlooked is dental health. Their teeth are continuously growing, and need to be gnawed down. Wooden chew barriers may be purchased, or clean twigs may be supplied. Plastic accessories of any kind should always be avoided as they may cause serious problems when ingested.

Proper dwarf hamster care will naturally include healthy food. Pet stores stock food that is specialized according to breed. Small bags ensure that the food stays fresh, rather than a large bag that has more opportunities to oxidize and spoil. They have a large appetite for their size, in addition to which their natural instinct causes them to hoard food. It is not unusual to find stashes of seeds hidden benefit the bedding.

Since variety is the spice of life even for a rodent, they will need the occasional treatment of fresh vegetables and nuts. Miniature carrots or a small piece of broccoli are welcome supplements. Remove any unheaten food after one day. A bit of chicken or hardboiled egg for protein are also appreciated.

A continuous supply of fresh water is also important for your pet. A bowl of water is problematic. They may topple in, endangering their health by getting wet. Or bedding may find its way into the water bowl. The best solution is a hanging water bottle with a metal tip. The next ingredient is chinchilla sand. Rolling in sand is a hamster's natural technique for self-grooming.

None of these guidelines are overly complicated, and they do not have to be expensive, either. Before embarking on a relationship with your new companion animal, you simply need to master the basic dwarf hamster care.


Source by Jeremy Smart

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