How to Get Fit Fast

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The metabolism process in our body tend to slow down when a person ages, if you’re not cautious enough it’s incredibly easy to start packing up extra weight and belly fat. For your information, getting fit is one of the fastest ways to lose your weight under comparison with going on a diet. Being “fit” essentially means being able to perform well in a wide variety of physical exerting circumstances, so how do you achieve it? Here, I’ll show you the best ways on how to get fit fast enough to see the results within weeks!

1) Get rid of bad habits

The very first step that you need to do is to stay healthy, and before you can achieve that, you must first get rid of your bad habits! Try to identify some bad habits that you will usually do everyday in your life, if you find it difficult to realize these bad habits, try answering to some of the following questions.

Do you drink excessive alcohol? Do you smoke? Do you eat excessive deep fried food? Do you face computers a lot? Do you drive more than you walk? You get the ideas, try finding out these minor lifestyles that you are living with, make small changes accordingly, this will be your first step on how to get fit fast.

2) Practice cardiovascular fitness

Everyone knows that by exercising a lot will help you get fit faster. However, do you know what exercise works best for you?

By practicing cardiovascular fitness, you will greatly increase your oxygen uptake capacity resulting to a longer period of physical exercises for yourself. You will improve the stress capacity your body can take up with this workout, this way you will train your heart rate to not rise so quickly as before, leading you to a stronger heart and a “fitter” lifestyle.

3) “Protect” your body

This is the most important thing you must know on how to get fit fast, in fact, you will get nowhere nearer to fitness if you don’t take note of it.

You have to let your body rest, and protect it like your girlfriend/boyfriend. Find out how many hours you actually sleep everyday, optimum is 7 hours for adults, try adjusting 15 minutes earlier or later depending on your individual sleeping lifestyle. If possible, go get a body check-up so you have complete understanding over your body, then you will know what diet balance and exercises is best for you!


Source by John Jordan Brady

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