How to Handle and Potty Train a Pet Dwarf Hamster

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Hamsters are creatures of habit. This is good news for those who plan to get one for a pet because this means that these tiny adorable furry creatures are easy to train. They just need a little conditioning by getting them used to do a certain routine over and over again. And potty training a hamster is one good way of handling your pet hamster. This will save you time from cleaning them and the undesired smell of their urine.

Let us say you now got yourself a hamster and you have its little cage all prepared. You would probably get your tiny friend a 'playground.' But also, do not forget to get it a special place to pee and poop, a 'toilet' of some sort.

One thing that you should know about hamsters is that they are clean pets. They are uncomfortable with dirty bedding and they tend to tie themselves in one particular spot. This is where potty training becomes helpful because it keeps the cage clean and your hamster happy. With a little persistence, potty training is quite easy and enjoyable. The following are easy steps to follow in potty training your hamster:

1. Get a litter box for your hamster. It can be a small jar or a plastic box where your hamster can run around. You can also purchase hamster potty in toy stores and they sometimes come in fancy designs. A litter box made of glass is recommended. Hamsters have a habit of chewing anything they can find and glass potty is chew-proof.

2. Observe where your hamster deposits its droppings. Clean that area and collect the droppings and wipe the urine with a clean napkin or tissue. Set them aside and place the litter box there. Make sure that the location is away from the sleeping area of ​​your hamster.

3. Fill the potty with litter but make sure to choose the right type as some can harm your hamster. Add the urine-soaked wipes and the droppings together with the litter. The familiar scent of the urine joins the hamster and makes it think that it is the spot where it urinates. Do not overfill the box because the hamster has a tendency to kick the excess litter out and make the cage messy. Putting too much litter also causes odor problems. About two-thirds of the depth of the box for the litter will do.

4. Consider that developing a habit takes some time. Sometimes, it takes a while before your pet gets used to its new 'toilet'. If it still refuses to use the litter box, you may need to repeat the process by adding more droppings or urine-soaked tissue every after cleaning the cage. Just be patient because the result is really rewarding.

5. Clean the potty once a week and replace the litter regularly. If you are using an improvised potty, you may need to also replace it from time to time as hamsters usually chew on plastic litter box.

Once you get to successfully potty train your hamster, you less, if not totally eliminate, the smell of hamster poop and urine. You also help your hamster keep its cage less messy. Most of all, you keep your little hamster friend happy!


Source by Marie Lyn Onggo

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