Okay, now that I have your attention, let me say that a 5 minute orgasm is never a goal you should have in your mind. A big NO on the output oriented orgasms. When you have expectations of any kind about what will happen during a sexual connection, you set yourself up for disappointment. This is part of the reason why we have over 60% of women who are sexually repressed. When you are not having the experience you think you should, then you often hold sex as if it is another item on a long list of "to dos."
I can refer to this. When I was trying to get pregnant, which took me three long years, sex was literally a note marked on my calendar. It felt more like a science experiment than an orgasmic transfer of energy. I know women who look at engaging in sex as an obligation to their partners, with no regard for their own sexual energy.
This, my friends, is tragic. The true goodness of feminine sexual energy is that it is nurturing, nourishing, loving, sexy, passionate, and wowza juicy! Why are we repressing ourselves and depriving ourselves, our relationships, and the planet of this amazing goodness?
Bottom line … women, overall, are discharged up, stressed out hamsters running in vicious cycles without the ability to relax and get out of their heads. I'm sorry, that was harsh. And yet, we have to get real with the truth before we can begin to make healthy changes.
In addition to these crazy schedules we keep, we are completely and utterly disconnected to our beauty. Only 3% of women worldwide (yes, that's worldwide) can comfortably refer to themselves as beautiful. And when we do not feel really beautiful, without any changes required, we have a more difficult time relaxing during sex. Thoughts, such as, "OMG, I hope he / she does not see my cellulite or pimples" are thoughts penetrating the mind instead of feeling into your body and letting something else penetrate through. Any worry about your beauty or body distracts you, keeps you in your head, and naturally prevails you from enjoying the pleasure your body can bring.
The other main factor in how we prevent sexual pleasure is that our world is so unhealthy about the conversation of sexuality. Sex is all around us, on magazines and other visual media. We see it, desire it, but can not easily and openly talk about it. I live here in Northern California where people are still flinching when I use the word orgasm. It's rather crazy, would not you say? We are all walking around on the planet as products of sex.
My body is so orgasmic that when I let go of my mind and feel into my body, I can achieve an orgasm instantly. It is effortless, and my ability to receive and surrender to the pleasure is almost automatic. Here is what I know.
* when I move into the sexual space of pleasure, I leave my "to do" list at the door
* I breathe deeply feeling the sensations of my body
* my thoughts become quiet, and I slow down the pace of life
* it is a sacred time I spend with ME (with or without a partner)
* I become 100% present with the moment
This wisdom can be applied to any woman with any body type or previous sexual experience.
And you do not even need to leave home to find your amazing orgasmic energy. It lives within you, and can be accessed through your day for all of your activities.
If I can heal chronic pain with orgasmic energy, just imagine what you can do with yours.
"There are very few problems an orgasm does not solve."
Source by Betty Louise