How to Keep Your Pet From Trashing Your Home

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I'm quite sure all pet owners would agree that while having pets is a blessing, it can also be a challenge, more so when pets are young or have an interesting way to express frustration, anger, or even jealousy, among many things. Yet, in spite of the fact we love them with all our hearts, getting home and seeing your brand new stiletto heels in pieces and dripping with doggy drool, is just not okay. Either is finding your prized collection of antique knickknacks shattered on the floor or putting up with the embarrassment when your crotch-sniffing pooch attacks yet another guest. No matter how cute they are, some things are simply too hard to handle. Even though hard it may be, do not despair; not all hope is lost. There are things we can do to help our beloved pets fight their urge to destroy, chew, and plunder. Here are some tips to help you identify possible reasons for their behavior.

1. Understand Your Pet's Nature

Dogs for instance are direct descendants of wolves and have their ancestor's strict code of social hierarchy; leadership is critical to survive. If leadership signals from their owners are not clear, dogs can quickly take over the role as pack leader to rule you. In the case of cats, "scent marking" could have due to your cat not being castrated. He may need to be house-trained to learn to use the litter tray. Another example is cats do not like surprises. Owners must ensure that they do not surprise their cats. The surprise may be anything, like suddenly taking away their food while they're eating. A surprised cat may become very angry and attack any and everyone.

2. They Could Be Reacting to Something You Are or Are Not Doing

Cats start to spray both inside and outside the house for lots of different reasons. For instance, cystitis may cause the cat to strain and release small amounts of urine all over the home. A dirty litter tray can also cause a cat to spray or urinate elsewhere. Cats do like a clean, natural habitat and, like all pets, they need lots of human contact. Dogs often misbehave because they are bored and lacking stimulation or exercise. Since they are intelligent they need mental stimulation just like we do. Set aside some time every day to play with him. Take him on walks so he can explore and socialize. When you are not there, give him toys that stimulate him, like the toys that hold beats and require some effort to get them out.

Animal "misbehavior" is purely a communication system. It is their way of telling us something's out of balance. Taking appropriate action to bring our lives into harmony creates the change of behavior in the animal. It's even possible you have been encouraging and even rewarding their misbehavior without knowing it. Having a pet is as much of a responsibility as it is a joy. Pet owners should know the likes, dislikes, and the temperament of their pets well before opting for a pet. In fact, different pets are suitable for different types of people depending on their lifestyles.


Source by Andrea V. Smith

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