How to Prevent Dog Heart Disease

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The worst thing you can do for your dog is to wait for dog heart disease to occur. By then, it may be too late to seek for dog health care. It is almost impossible to predict whether your dog is going to have heart problems, but there are signs that can help predict such a thing.

The best way to know how apt your dog is to getting heart problems is by doing research. There are certain breeds of dogs that are much more prone to contracting dog heart disease than others. If you have a dog breed that is under this category, it is absolutely vital that you take action NOW and not later.

In any event, heart disease is certainly not uncommon in dogs of all breeds. Because of this, many dog owners ask the dog health question as to how they can prevent heart disease in their dog. There are a number of ways you can do your best to prevent any kind of heart disease in your dog, but sometimes it is impossible to prevent.

Despite this, there are things that you as a dog owner can do to help your dog. The most basic methods involve their diet and exercise pattern. By taking your dog on walks and giving them as much exercise as possible, your dog will maintain a strong and healthy heart. The same goes for the diet you provide your dog. If you provide your dog with an unhealthy diet and a minimal amount of nutrients, the result is the same as if you ate McDonalds your whole life.

So the dog health question arises; are there any kinds of food in particular you can give your dog to prevent dog heart disease? The answer is yes. It is thought to be that most causes of heart disease are related to a lack of L-Carnitine and Taurine. L-Carnitine is a natural protein-like substance that allows cells to carry fuel to the heart. Taurine is an amino acid that is found in the muscles of the body, and is quite abundant in the heart.

Taurine also protects the heart from calcium overload and keeps the heart beating. Therefore, a lack of either of these two nutrients is certain to cause some form of heart problem down the road. The easiest dog health care solution is to find foods that are abundant with these two nutrients. Or there are some wonderful supplements on the market containing these amino acids.

Whether you are treating a dog’s heart disease of some form or preventing dog heart disease from developing, it is crucial that you take action. Because of how prevalent various forms of heart disease are in dogs, including an enlarged heart, heart murmur or heart failure, you need to begin exercising your dog regularly and providing them with the right kinds of nutrients.


Source by Brigitte Smith

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