How To Protect Your Feet & Legs During Work

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Employees working around rolling or falling materials are exposed to foot or leg injuries. They have to use appropriate footwear and leg protection in order to avoid severe injuries. Some working environments involve hot, poisonous or corrosive substances. When workers deal with those dangerous substances, they have to utilize protective gear. Safety garments strike the mind when it comes to working in hazardous environment. They do provide protection against some hazards and to some extent.

If a worker’s feet are exposed to electric shocks, it becomes inevitable to wear non-conductive footwear. The nature of hazards can vary from place to place. Some of the common hazards that can injure legs include sparks, moving objects, chemicals, dirt, hot liquids, etc. Situations where a worker must use foot or leg protection include:

  • Heavy materials or machines that can roll onto or fall on a worker’s foot
  • Sharp-edged objects such as unguarded machines, nails, tools, etc.
  • Molten metals that can splash on legs or feet
  • Slippery or wet surfaces
  • Electric hazards

Employers should develop a safety plan that thoroughly identifies all the present hazards and propose safety measures. Protective garments and equipment should be designed and provided according to the nature of potential risk. For example, safety footwear must meet minimum compression and performance standards. We can find a variety of footwear. However, make sure that footwear you choose will protect you against hazards present at your workplace.

Safety wear such as coveralls and bib pants are suitable for workers who have to protect themselves against dirt, chemicals, and hot substances. A flame-resistant coverall is a good choice if hazards are limited to sparks and heat. It can protect most of the body from arms to legs. Workplace hazards that may require safety coveralls include high temperature, harsh weather, metal splash, spray, impact or penetration, dirt, etc. People who have to perform their duties in laboratories should wear leg and foot protection to avoid chemical splashes.

Protective equipment can be a compromise between safety and comfort. Overprotection can limit free movement and make the work uncomfortable. However, custom clothing designed specifically for your size and needs can provide you with both comfort and protection. Safety workwear, of course, provides a limited level of protection. It is not wise to rely solely on garments when your workplace involves the risk of being splashed with hydrochloric acid. Choose your safety gear carefully and make a good use of it.


Source by Basharat Khadim

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