How to Shrink Prolapsed Hemorrhoids and Make Your Symptoms Disappear Fast

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Almost half of the adult population in the developed nations of the world like Europe and USA will experience hemorrhoids at one time or another. Occasionally people in the younger age bracket will also be affected by hemorrhoid, it also affects more men than women generally although pregnant women are particularly prone to piles.

The major predisposing factor is the abnormal build up of pressure in the butt area secondary to constipation characterized by straining during defecation.

This pressure is transmitted into the rectal and anal area causing the veins of this area to bulge out into over enlarged pile veins, other common predisposing factors include the state of pregnancy, anal sex, obesity, aging and an inactive lifestyle.

There are two main forms of hemorrhoids:

(a) Internal hemorrhoids

(b) External Hemorrhoids

Occasionally when these two forms co exist, this condition is known as intero-external hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids could be asymptomatic or they could present with painless bright red bleeding, pain and mucus discharge.

The symptoms of pain, mucus discharge and itching are more often associated with a type of complicated internal hemorrhoids called prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids protrude out of the opening of the anus, initially the protrusion is slight and only occurs during defecation and reduction is spontaneous (it goes back inside by itself) these are known as second degree prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids that prolapse on defecation but need to be reduced manually by pushing them back into the anus are called third degree hemorrhoids.

When hemorrhoids are permanently prolapsed they are called fourth degree hemorrhoids. These are the types of internal hemorrhoids that are usually associated with mucus discharge, itching and a feeling of heaviness in the rectum. When these third degree or fourth degree hemorrhoids get gripped by the sphincter muscles, they can get strangulated and become extremely painful.

These severely prolapsed third or fourth degree prolapsed hemorrhoids are also easily predisposed to the formation of blood clots leading to the formation of thrombosed hemorrhoids.

To effectively treat prolapsed hemorrhoids the following treatment options can be used:

1-Pile Surgery:

You can make use of simple surgical methods on some very few occasional hemorrhoids that fail to respond to the much simpler forms of treatment.

These simple surgical methods are (1) Banding treatment (2) Sclerotherapy and (3) Photocoagulation. Sometimes several prolapsed hemorrhoids are treated with the more complex hemorrhoidectomy.

The main disadvantage of these hemorrhoid surgeries is that they could be associated with some unpleasant side effects which include post hemorrhoid operation pain and discomfort thus making the experience of pain even worse.

2-Herbal remedies for hemorrhoids and lifestyle modification:

Although your might initially scoff at the idea of using simple herbs and lifestyle changes to have any meaningful impact on the hemorrhoids swellings, the truth of the matter is that these simple methods have over the years built a track record of undisputed success in prolapsed hemorrhoids treatment.

Some of these natural herbs and lifestyle changes have recorded up to 96% cure rate of permanent healing of all forms of hemorrhoids and these natural methods have the advantage of acting naturally without any side effects and they are usually very cheap.


Source by Bello Gbenga

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