How to Take Care of Your Older Cat

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How do you know your cat getting old now? Most indoor cats live to be 12 to 14 years of age, even though some cats have gone beyond 20 years of age.

This is cat's age that equivalent human age.

Cat's age 6 months are equivalent Human age 14 years.
Cat's age 1 year is equivalent 16 years.
Cat's age 3 years are equivalent 20 years.
Cat's age 6 years are equivalent 30 years.
Cat's age 8 years are equivalent 40 years.
Cat's age 9 years are equivalent 50 years.
Cat's age 10 years are equivalent 60 years.
Cat's age 13 years are equivalent 70 years.
Cat's age 16 years are equivalent 80 years.
And Cat's age 20 years are equivalent Human age 90 years.

An older cat needs more care to make sure that he or she will enjoy a good quality of life. Cats became seniors at the age of eight and develop special needs.

Older cats will be quieter and want more peaceful environments with a lot of love and littlest stress. With advances in veterinary science today, your cat can have life for up to twenty years or more.

When your cat comes older, his abilities, preferences, and needs change. It is a cat owner responsibility to take care of him in his old age.

Here's how:

– Make sure your cat can reach all essential areas, eg the litter box, their cat bed, etc. If they are having trouble, take off clutter or buy a ramp, stool, or pet staircase, so your cat can reach these places.

– Do not forget that older cats are more likely to "miss. You should put the litter box in a small plastic bathing pool with a hole cut in the front so your cat can get in and do his business. misses the box or tracks litter out of the box, it lands in the pool, not on the floor.

-Take your cat to a vet more often to examine, recommence 4 times a year. This is because older cats are more likely to develop health problems.

– Ask your animal doctor for change his or her food to some kind of cat food specially formulated for older cats.


Source by Paul Strong

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