How to Treat Acne – 10 Ways to Treat Acne Effectively

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Acne is a chronic skin disease. It is intensely prevailing all around the world these days. Almost 85% adults are expected to suffer from acne in the recent times. In this way, a permanent acne treatment becomes the ultimate choice for people. There are plenty of acne treatments. However, some of them are considered quite phenomenal on how to treat acne. These are as follow:

1. If you want to throw away acne fast, drink stacks of fresh juices like, orange, pine apple, guava, apple, pear, cucumber, lemon, and pomegranate, etc.

2. Eat adequate carbohydrates and protein while acne turmoil. The most advantageous nutrients include: whey, fish, chicken, beef, mutton, butter, seeds, beans, cottage cheese, honey, milk, eggs, fruits, and vegetables, etc. But keep in mind not to have plenty of carbohydrates and protein intakes during acne syndrome.

3. Eat heaps of salads such as, onion, cucumber, carrot, green leafs, tomatoes, and a bit garlic, etc. while acne infection.

4. Do perform aerobics such as: 30 minutes brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming, bodybuilding, football, volleyball, yoga, basketball, dancing, rugby, and stretching, etc. during acne disorder.

5. Change your pillow case every coming night. The reason is that permanent habit of 1 pillow at a time may well cause acne symptoms like: pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, spots, blemishes, inflammation, and irritation, etc.

6. Do not eat greasy and peppery foods.

7. Avoid sugary and cookies while pimples treatment. The reason is that plentiful usage of sweetened foods like, chocolates, biscuits, pastries, creams, ice-cream, toffees, could cause acne.

8. Avoid unclean and dirty environment such as, pollution, industrial wastes & chemicals, dirty water, and garbage, etc.

9. It's extremely vital for you to wash your hands before and after taken the meal.

10. Apply a mixture of 2 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons yogurt, and 2 tablespoon grinded up garlic, juice of cucumber, mint, coriander, lemon, and 2 whites of eggs on your acne affected areas of skin on a regular basis. Your pimples will be removed within two weeks.


Source by Jessica Abbott

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