How to Treat Yeast Infection Symptoms – Treatment to Stop the Symptoms & Keep Them From Returning

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A yeast infection is caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast. Another name for this condition is candida albicans and these fungi that cause the infection naturally live on the surface of our bodies. It is in certain conditions (particularly warm and moist areas) where they can grow rapidly in large numbers and cause infections such as yeast infections.

For a woman yeast infections are one of the main reasons for vaginal burning, itching, and discharge. Men can also experience this infection if their sexual partner passes it onto them during sexual intercourse.

Some of the most notorious causes of yeast overgrowth are antibiotics and steroids, pregnancy, diabetes, birth control pills, weak immune systems, and menstruation. The symptoms for a vaginal yeast infection are a white cheesy discharge, itching, and irritation, pain during sexual intercourse, and burning during urination.

Oral candida is also known as oral thrush and the common symptoms of this condition are pain when trying to eat and thick white looking patches on the top of a red base which forms on the tongue, palate, or anywhere else inside the mouth.

The best treatment for yeast infection symptoms will help you regain your healthy balance of bacteria so the overgrowth of the candida fungus can stop. Yogurt is one of these treatments that will do just that, however, not just any yogurt will do.

You need natural unsweetened yogurt that contains live cultures or acidophilus. It is important to know that you will lose the benefit yogurt provides if you add sugar to it. So if you can’t eat plain unsweetened yogurt you should add honey instead. Research has shown that honey increases the number of beneficial bacteria to fight the yeast, while sugar will actually feed the yeast and cause the bacteria to continue to grow.

Some women will insert the yogurt straight into the vagina instead of eating it so the acidophilus reaches the affected area more quickly. You can insert the unsweetened yogurt into your vagina by dipping a tampon in it and then inserting the dipped tampon into the vagina. After about an hour or so you should remove the tampon.

Yogurt can be used as a treatment for male yeast infection symptoms as well. Men suffering from this condition can eat natural yogurt and if the infection is not severe the symptoms will be eliminated within about 2 days. Sufferers can also use suppositories containing live bacterial cultures which can be found in natural food stores.

To make sure the infection doesn’t return in the future you should eat a cup of natural unsweetened yogurt each day to build up your natural defenses. If you are lactose intolerant you can try taking acidophilus capsules which can also be found at the natural food store.

Yogurt is one of the best natural treatment to eliminate the symptoms of a yeast infection. By eating yogurt you will not only improve the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina, but you will also improve your overall health as well.


Source by Susan Lexington

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