Insights About Drug Addiction

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Drugs are used for medication of different ailments. It is sometimes prescribed alone for home treatment or it is advice with equipment like Elisa kits. The problem with home meds is that, they can make the patient take the medicines in high dosage or even if it is not necessary. Unlike in the hospitals, the attending nurse or physician supervises medicine intakes. With this kind of situation, patients tend to drink medicines even after the treatment. They became addicts to the medicines.

Drug addiction is not only about the use of prohibited drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin and such. As long as there is an excessive use of drugs, there is always an abuse.

Why people engage in this kind of situations? Most of us may think it is because of society or maybe it is because of the influence by others. As an observation, here is the most common factor why teenagers and adults result in drug addiction.

o Peer pressure- this depends on the society we live in. Now for some, the people around them is the main factor why they become drug addicts. At first, it will be just for fun, a one-time event. Then after, it will become a hobby.

o Influence – in our modern times, everything is accessible- web, televisions and other stuff. Some young men and women adopt the things they watch. For example, they are watching this TV series, and one of the characters uses drugs. He or she also will use drugs TVs claim it is okay.

o Problems- now, it can be family problems or any kind of problem. When you are in the influence of drugs, somehow, you are able to neither relax and think nor feel anything. For some, it is an outlet of their emotions.

o For fun – during parties, teenagers use different kinds of drug for a different kind of pleasure. They are not contented with the intoxication of alcohol; rather, they use drugs for fun.

Having a drug addict in the family, does not only affect the person, but the entire family. Of course, parents usually blame themselves for not raising their children well. In fact, it is the fault of their child.

Parents help their child by taking them to a physician to run some drug test using Elisa kits. After which, if the child is positive to certain drugs, it is the discretion of the parents to take their child to a rehabilitation center or not. Most important is that drug addicts need the support, attention and love of their family. Remember that they are in a state where they cannot even help themselves, so give them the support they need.


Source by Daphne Brown

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