Keep Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control and Prevent Heart Disease

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If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, it might be a good idea to learn a thing or two about it before deciding on the most effective treatment. This will give you a better understanding on what caused it to become high and what treatments or foods you can take to reduce it to more healthier levels.

Cholesterol is the end product of fatty foods that you have ateen. It is transported in the bloodstream by molecules known as lipoproteins. There are many different kinds of lipids and you may know them better as bad low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and good high-density lipoproteins (HDL). These two types of lipids, along with triglycerides and Lp (a) cholesterol, make up your total cholesterol count. This can be determined by taking a blood test.

There are many reasons why LDL is called the bad cholesterol. One is the fact that LDL cholesterol can clog your arteries. LDL cholesterol can cause a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries, which hardens into plaque and can lead to serious heart disease. Even death. Meanwhile, HDL – the good cholesterol – helps carry cholesterol to your liver, which then processes and removes it from your body. So while LDL increases the chances of heart disease, HDL helps to lower it.

To keep your cholesterol levels under control, you can take prescribed medications called statins. But you should also start eating foods that are low in cholesterol. You do not want to excessively eat foods that contain saturated fats like coconut oil, butter, cookies, cheese and ice-cream. You should also reduce your consumption of eggs, meat and poultry – as that is where cholesterol can also be found. Instead, it is recommended to eat foods high in unsaturated fats, which can be found in fruits and vegetables like avocado and nuts.

If you want to effectively control the level of cholesterol in your body, also consider taking supplements that contain beneficial ingredients and nutrients like policosanol, lecithin oil, pumpkin seed oil and phytosterols. The combination of these nutrients will help you regulate cholesterol better and make sure that you get the best results in reducing your LDL and total triglyceride levels, as well as increasing the HDL.

In addition to eating healthily and taking cholesterol fighting supplements, regular exercise is something that can help fight off cholesterol. Studies have shown that a low cholesterol diet is not as effective if not accompanied by regular exercise. It does not mean that you should work out strenuously every day. A simple walk around the block for half an hour can suffice. This will keep your heart healthy and help to maintain the right cholesterol levels in your body. You will find more information about low cholesterol foods for a healthy heart on my website.


Source by John L. Johnson

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