Kegel Exercises For Men – Sex and Penis Health Can Be Greatly Improved by Kegel Exercises For Men

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Kegel exercises for men are relatively unknown, while these techniques were very popular with women during and after pregnancy. It is only recently that kegel exercises for men have become popular, with the Internet being the prime source of information. What these exercises do is that they target the pelvic floor muscles which control the muscles of the genitalia.

Kegel exercises for males concentrate on the pubococcygeus muscle or the PC muscle. This muscle can easily be identified by the man by trying to stop the flow of urine half way. It is not to be confused with the anal or abdominal muscles but one needs to clearly identify this muscle before beginning kegel exercises for men. The best part over here is that Kegel exercises can be performed anytime and anywhere. Nobody will really know.

What does exercising the kegels do for the man?

This is the muscle than controls a mans erection and ejaculation. Good strength in this muscle will give a man immense control over sex and solve problems like premature ejaculation. Stamina is also greatly increased as a result.

How to begin the exercising?

A good way for men to begin kegel exercises is to start contracting and releasing the PC muscle in quick successions. Beginners will probably find it difficult to do anything more than 25 contractions at one stretch. They should try three sets of 25 contractions to start strengthening the PC muscle.

Men will find that Kegel exercises get easier to do once they get the hang of it. The best part about these techniques is that they can be done anywhere. You could sit at your computer, you can be talking on the phone, or be in any still position anywhere and do these exercises.

As one gets familiar with the control of the PC muscle, they can start trying advanced kegel exercises which are essentially more intense variations of the PC muscle training. An example of a more intense exercise would be when one is required to do long holds of the PC muscle. This is where you contract and hold the PC muscle for about 10 seconds at one stretch and then give yourself a break of about 5 seconds and then do another long hold.

Another variation of kegel exercises requires the use of a small wash cloth or a light towel. Get an erection and hang the towel on your penis. Now contract the PC muscle and try to lift the towel several times. As you start to get used it to it, move up with heavier towels until you can lift a full size beach towel! When you are able to do that, you know that your penis is in pretty good shape.

How to achieve best results?

As one might expect, best results can be achieved by learning the perfect technique. Moreover, one needs to maintain focus to achieve best results. Also, one is advised against holding their breathe while performing the exercise. One’s best bet would be to breathe freely throughout the exercise. Like everything else in life, one would start feeling more and more comfortable and at ease by regular practice.

One will be able to enjoy better sex by being able to better control one’s ejaculations and orgasms, and last longer in bed, plus one will be able get the added kudos for being able to hold up a wet towel with one’s erection if one practices these exercises.

There are many other forms of penis exercises that can help one enjoy a great sex life without really throwing an arm and a leg. It’s all about knowing the right things and get started off.


Source by Nick Stevens

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