Male Symptoms of Yeast Infections and Treatment Methods to Eliminate Symptoms

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Although male yeast infections are not as common as a female infection, it can still occur. Male symptoms of yeast infections are generally the same as the symptoms women experience.

There are different types of infections a man can suffer from, but the most common type is the penile yeast infection. Usually there will be an intense burning and itching sensation of the affected area. Also, it is not uncommon to see a rash or milky substance under the skin.

The symptoms men experience can be treated the same way as a female infection. To get some relief from the symptoms you should wear loose fitting clothes, avoid alcohol, and foods that contain yeast in it. Men should also avoid sexual intercourse during this period because of the risk of transferring the yeast back and forth between their partner.

Men can get over the counter medication or they can use natural home remedies to treat their condition. Most men would rather take the more natural treatment methods due to the side effects of over the counter medications. Some of the best natural treatments for this condition include:

Garlic: Garlic contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. You can eat one clove of garlic once or twice a day to stop the occurrence of the yeast. You can also apply it directly to the affected area.

Sitz Bath: Taking a sitz bath is an effective way to soothe the skin and keep it from itching. This treatment method will also restore your body’s PH balance which will help stop the growth of the yeast. Adding vinegar to a warm sitz bath will increase it’s effectiveness.

The symptoms a male experiences when suffering from this infection can be easily treated but you need to take action immediately.


Source by Susan Lexington

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