Male Yeast Infection Treatment: Over the Counter Meditations for Candida in Men

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Male yeast infection treatment is much the same as that for women. And, as women generally use over-the-counter medications, so can men. Find out here which ones and why …

A yeast infection is most often caused by the Candida albicans yeast-like fungus that naturally lives in our bodies, male and female alike.

However, your body's beneficial bacteria (85%) vastly outnumbers the bad bacteria (15%). This means that the Candida is normally kept under control so that they do not overgrow into yeast infections.

But it is a delicious balance between good and bad bacteria. And, unfortunately, there are circumstances in which this balance can be upset so that the good bacteria can no longer keep the Candida albicans under control.

The main undercoming circumstances that can cause such a situation are; beneficial bacterial removal, immune system deficiency, high blood sugar, hormonal imbalance, and certain drug therapy.

Most females treat their Candida infections with over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medications. And there is no reason why men can not treat their infections in the same way …

The problem with male yeast infections, though, is that the symptoms can take a good time to show up so that, by the time they do, the infections can be well advanced, making them much harder to eliminate.

And since the symptoms of yeast infections can also be similar to other problems it means that these, sometimes more serious, problems are not being properly treated.

So you first have to be sure that what you are treating is, in fact, a yeast infection. Based on some studies, nearly 66% of women who use OTC medications do not have yeast infections at all! There is no reason to suppose that males are any different.

Therefore, before opting for OTC medicines, it is best to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor. Once a yeast infection has been confirmed you can then decide, after discussion with your doctor, on which over-the-counter medication would be suitable for your particular case.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment: Typical Over-the-Counter Medication

Over-the-counter treatments are usually antifungal drugs in the form of creams, ointments, sprays, powders, tablets, etc. Here is a typical range of drug-based yeast infection treatments available over the counter …

– Monistat

– Femstat

– Gyne-Lotrimin

– Mycelex

– Vagistat

Although many (probably most) OTC medications are obviously marked towards women, they are equally as effective on men since it's the same Candida fungus being targeted.

Talk to the pharmacist and let them know of any allergies you may have. You should also let them know if you are using condoms, your partner a diaphragm, or both, as a method of birth control, since some drugs can weak the latex. They will then advise on the most appropriate medication.

OTC medications are typically sold in 1 day, 3 day and 7 day formulas. The important thing to remember is to ensure that you finish the course of whatever formula you are recommended.

After treatment, should the infection still persist, or you suffer from frequent recurrence infections, you should refer back to your doctor. This is because there may be an under condition that needs to be addressed first.


Source by John Cielo

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