Managing Osgood Schlatter Disease and Hip Pain

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Pain is a symptom that is indicative is several disorders such as Osgood Schlatter disease and conditions where hip pain is present. In all conditions, pain management is very important such that you can go on with your activities and for you to achieve comfort. Here are some things that you can do for pain management.

Osgood Schlatter disease is a condition that affects the tendon located at the kneecap or otherwise referred to as patellar tendon. It is a self-limiting condition characterized by pain and tenderness at the affected area, often accompanied by edema or the accumulation of fluid. This often affects boys who are at the adolescent age who are very active such as those who are engaged in sports.

Pain management for those who have Osgood Schlatter disease involves four factors and these are rest, ice, compression and elevation. Proper healing is required for this disorder which requires enough rest. You should avoid weight-bearing activities so that the condition will not worsen the pain. If possible, avoid exercises while the pain and other symptoms are still present. Ice therapy is recommended also for Osgood Schlatter disease since this helps in reducing the pain and the inflammation at the affected area. This should be applied for about three times a day for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can use knee support to help you move and when you have the time, elevate your legs. There are pain medications that will be prescribed as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. When you do these management tips, the pain will be managed which allows you to go on with your normal activities except of course the weight-bearing ones.

Hip pain is not as simple as it sounds, for having it can affect most of your activities. If you ignore this and it gets worse, the simple tasks of going up the stairs or getting in and out of your car will be close to impossible. This affects a lot of people, with several of them needing hip replacements if their hip pain was not managed earlier. It has various causes such as arthritis, fractures, trauma, osteoarthritis and a lot more.

The management of hip pain will depend on the underlying cause, warranting then a diagnosis from your doctor. In fact, once you feel hip pain, you should immediately go to your doctor so that you will be assessed and evaluated. This way, you will be able to know the particular cause of your hip pain and for you to be treated immediately. However, there are things that you can do at home so as to minimize the hip pain that you are currently having and to prevent further complications.

For your hip pain, there will surely be medications that will be given to you by your doctor. You should take these as ordered, not missing a dose and not going beyond what was prescribed. Weight bearing activities should also be avoided so as not to cause more damage to your hip. You should also have enough rest to avoid further straining. If physical therapy is not contraindicated, it is also recommended for you.

Pain is definitely not a condition that anyone would want so when you are experiencing it because of Osgood Schlatter disease or hip pain, better do these therapies for you to be relieved.


Source by Danica Susan

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