Men’s Health – Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

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Want a better body, better sex and better overall health? Do your self ” Penis hardness” test! Your penis is your barometer to your health. When your erection is hard steel, a rock hard – your life is good. The harder your erection, the healthier you are.

The researchers have made some important facts and links between your sexual activities with your health. If your blood vessels are elastic and healthy, your heart and brain will function well and have not difficulty in releasing nitric oxide thus your penis will hard like rock. Once you understand that your erection and health are connected, you shall start to take care of yourself.

Your penis erection is an early warning sign like the canary birds in coal mine that warn the unseen danger. When atherosclerosis develops, it starts to clog up in your tiny vessels found in your penis long before it shows up in coronary arteries of the heart and other blood vessels in your body. This is a serious warning and indicator of cardiovascular problem that may be developing.

To determine your potential of heart and prevent erection problem, Steven Lamm, M.D. with Gerald Secor Couzens, advise these Penis Hardness factor Seft-Test in 3 steps.

Step 1# Nutrition Test – What you eat impacts how well you perform in bed.

What you shall do in this sexual nutrition test are :

1. Cut back on portion size. Eat 10% less each meals or about 500 calories a day ( 3 days in a row ).

2. Reduce fatty foods and top saturated fat like egg yolks, butter, cream, fatty red meats, and coconut oils.

3. Eat nine serving of fruits and vegetables each day to lower your cholesterol level.

4. Drink black or green tea

5. Eat Spicy food

Step 2# Sexual Supplements

Take these supplement :

1. Phycnogenol to enhance blood flow to heart and penis

2. L-arginine to increase nitric oxide production which means better blood flow to your body and specially to your penis

3. Take 3 grams of fish-oil for vascular support and protection.

4. OPCs ( Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ) to enhance the activity of vitamin C and E for improved blood flow

5. Horny goat weed

Step 3# Sexual Fitness

The best way to enhance your erection hardness, whet sexual appetite, boost self-esteem, and increase sexual activity is through regular physical activity. Below are exercises you could do to increase your physical fitness especially muscle involved in your love making activities.

1. Add more 5,000 steps to your daily hoofing

2. Add pushups, ab curls, and squats which strengthen your shoulder, chest, buttock and legs which are needed in your love making

3. Do cobra yoga move to relax your lower back, abdomen, hip and neck

4. Do stretching everyday

5. Do lunge

When you complete this program, you will certainly feel different. You will achieve measurable changes in flexibility, strength, and hardness. Hardness is a lifestyle, not 96 hours’ worth of quick changes. The idea is to feel good about yourself emotionally and physically always. It’s a lifestyle decision.

Adapted from The Hardness Factor: How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age, by Steven Lamm, M.D., with Gerald Secor Couzens, (c) 2005 HarperCollins.


Source by Eking Huang

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