Necessary Dwarf Hamster Supplies To Help Your Hamster Live Longer

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If you want to make sure that your pet hamster is as happy and healthy as possible, you would want to have the right type of dwarf hamster supplies available for the little fellow when you bring it home.

This may seem like a rather easy thing to do, considering the fact that pet stores tend to have a variety of different supplies available for you to choose from.

You need to be cautious and take your time when choosing the right dwarf hamster supplies that you are purchasing. For example if you buy the wrong wheel your little hamster can hurt or break a leg as the gaps in the wheel could be too wide.

You need to find supplies that work well for the size of your pet or supplies that your dwarf is not allergic to.

Here are a few hamster essential supplies that we recommend.

One of the most important or supplies that you are going to have to purchase is going to be the dwarf hamsters food. As with humans, feeding your hamster the right type of food can make a difference in exactly how healthy and happy it is.

That being said, there are also some general recommendations which you should always follow whenever choosing dwarf hamsters foods. For example, purchasing a high-quality hamster feeder which you can fill or contains plenty of seeds is going to always be beneficial.

If you choose a food source that is high in sugar, however, then you could end up with a diabetic hamster. Always avoid feeding your dwarf hamster any type of sugar or feeding her too much sweet fruit, simply because these creatures tend to have a problem with diabetes.

Another essential tool you will add to the dwarf supplies list is the water feeder. The company Habitrail OVO has great water bottles for sale that are an excellent choice for thirsty hamsters, and it can help in a number of different ways. For one, you will not have to worry about your hamster spilling its water all the time over the cage bedding.

Secondly, you do not have to hassle of having to be filling her water bowl up twice a day as it will take them quite a while to get through the all the water supplied in the water bottle.

Needless to say you would always want to make sure that the water was kept as fresh as possible but with the Habitrail water bottle, that's all taken care of for you.

Another thing that I would like to mention is the hamsters bedding. The dwarf hamster bedding that you use is really going to depend upon what your hamster likes, dislikes or if the bedding is causing a health issue.

I know that this sounds unusual, especially considering that there are plenty of hamster bedding products available on the market but you really need to be careful what bedding you put in your hamsters cage.

The reason is that some dwarf hamsters may be prone to respiratory problems, and if you have the wrong type of hamsters bedding available, it could cause a big problem for your little fellow.

Try a few different brands of hamster bedding, and even try some alternative types of bedding like shredded paper especially if you begin to notice breathing difficulties. It's a good idea to do a search online to see if your particular dwarf hamster is predisposed to problems from any particular bedding.


Source by Jadi S Anatchi

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