New Year's Resolutions – 10 Easy Health Tips You Can Stick With in the New Year

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Do you make New Year's Resolutions with the best of intentions only to fizzle out or not even start to deliver on them? Here are ten health tips that are easy to implement and make part of your every day life.

Choose one or two tips to start and when that becomes habit, add another tip. Better to be consistent with one, then try too much to begin with and end up giving up on all of them. Regularly practicing even one of these tips will have a cumulative effect and help you be healthier in the long-term.

1. Include 25-35 grams of fiber in your diet daily. Fiber helps you feel full longer, aids elimination and actually removes about 10 calories per gram consumed. Good sources of fiber are whole grains, fruits, vegetables and food bars or beverages with added fiber.

2- Drink plenty of fresh water. Refillable water bottles with a built in filter can be filled at any faucet and have the added benefit of reducing the expense and waste generated by pre-filled water bottles. Aim for several glasses a day, especially if you are increasing fiber.

3- Move your body every day. If you are not into exercise equipment or regimens, build opportunities to lift, bend and walk often through the day.

4. Take a few deep belly breaths. Do this outside or by an open window if you can. Your mind and body will appreciate the oxygen boost and instant stress reduction.

5. Air out your house or apartment at least once a week. Indoor pollution can be several times greater than outdoor pollution, especially when your home has been closed up.

6. Practice micro-meditations through the day. Snatching a few moments to focus on your breath or an inspirational quote can help you center and feel refreshed.

7. Practice gratitude. Give thanks every day for the big and little things in your life even if you might not classify some of them as "good". Offering thanks for the mundane, and even some annoying things that happen can instantly shift your perspective and relieve stress.

8. Build face-to-face relationships. Social interaction and a sense of community provide a support system that benefits our health on all levels. Turn off the computer and TV and spend "live time" with friends and family.

9- Learn something new. Learning something of interest keeps your brain sharp and lifts your mood. So does playing games like Soduko or Scrabble.

10- Combine some of the above tips for even more health benefits. For example, if you take dance lessons, you are moving your body, building relationships and learning something new!


Source by Val Silver

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