No Risk of Strokes With Chiropractor Treatment

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According to a report published in the February 2008 edition of the Spine, an international magazine on health-related issues, Lewisville Chiropractor treatment does not increase the risk of stroke. Takingferences from a scientific study conducted in the US, the report confirms that a patient is no more likely to suffer a stroke following a chiropractic treatment. This report puts an end to the general misconception that spinal manipulation in chiropractic treatment increases the risk of stroke.

Lewisville Chiropractor and the Myth of Strokes

Lewisville chiropractors are expert therapists with several years of experience. They have the knowledge of how spinal manipulation processes should be undertaken so that the patient remains risk-free. The myth of stroke is associated with the chiropractic neck adjustment treatment. This treatment is highly critical and must be conduct under strict supervision of an experienced chiropractor. Improper treatment can tear the vertebral artery, which passes through upper cervical region and into the base of the skull. An injury in the artery can cause blood clotting and block blood circulation. However, this is a rarest of the rare case.

A Canadian research paper, published in 2001, provided scientific evidence to prove that only one in more than 5 million cases sufferers an injury during chiropractic treatment.

Lewisville Chiropractor: Types of Treatment

Lewisville chiropractors resort to conventional diagnostic tests, such as MRIs and X-rays, to understand the specific reason for a condition. After proper diagnosis, they recommend chiropractic treatment, which involves manipulation by hand to correct spine alignments. An experienced chiropractor has the expertise to provide a range of alternative treatments for better health, such as:

  • Acupuncture
  • Physiotherapy
  • Massage
  • Heat / cold therapy
  • Herbal therapy
  • Lifestyle and nutrition counseling
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Stress management
  • Traction

Lewisville chiropractors are best known for the treatment of neck and back pain. Experienced chiropractors specialize in specific areas, such as sports injury, neurology, nutrition, orthopedics and internal disorders. Some of the world's best sports teams hire chiropractors as a part of their comprehensive healthcare plan.

Located in Carrollton, Texas, Southwest Spine Center offers a range of alternative treatments, such as spinal decompression, acupuncture, massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic and laser therapy. With years of experience, Southwest Spine Center has a proven track record of successfully restoring back and neck related disorders through alternative therapies.


Source by Brian Roney

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