Nutrition Tips – The Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of Rubidium

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Rubidium is quite a rare trace mineral that is not very abundant in the human body. But despite its rarity and low presence in the body, it has some very important functions to perform for your health. Without further ado, let’s get straight into the uses of rubidium.

4 Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of Rubidium

1. Helps in the prevention of diabetes: The mineral rubidium plays an essential role in the synthesis of enzymes. One such enzyme that rubidium helps to create is very essential for the proper absorption of glucose in your body.

Without rubidium to help the action of the enzyme, the glucose molecules would not be able to get absorbed efficiently, thus leading to diabetic problems.

Hence, one of the major uses of rubidium is to decrease your chances of getting diabetes.

2. Maintains hormonal balance: Studies have revealed that rubidium enhances the production of many hormones and various enzymes.

The working of the pituitary gland, as well as the salivary and lachrymal glands, is encouraged with the presence of rubidium. Thus rubidium helps to keep your hormone production balanced and also controls the excretion of required fluids from the other glands.

A hormonal imbalance can cause a lot of difficulties including, hair fall, facial hair, weight gain, infertility etc. As rubidium keeps your body’s hormonal activity in check, it can thus help to prevent such health concerns.

3. Aids in the regulation and absorption of iron: Rubidium has been shown to help regulate the flow of iron into the bloodstream, which in turn helps in better absorption of iron. When there is enough iron present in your blood, rubidium acts as a block and stops more iron from being let into the blood.

As a result, your iron level remains optimum and there is no excess iron in your blood, which could cause several health problems including hemosiderosis. When there is just the right amount of iron present in your blood, your body is not overworked and can absorb the iron most effectively.

Thus, adequate rubidium is vital to ensure that you do not get diseases related to overdose of iron.

4. Helps in depression: Initial results of medical studies have shown rubidium to be very useful in the synthesis of serotonin. It also ensures presence of enough serotonin in your body.

Serotonin is a brain chemical, in the absence of which you may suffer from mental imbalances. Serotonin deficiency has been observed in those who are depressed and they are generally given serotonin drugs to counter the depression.

Thus, as rubidium seems to e a natural serotonin booster, it can be of great help in maintaining the health of your brain, and specifically in preventing depression.

Although not much is known about rubidium as it is a rare mineral and the body contains very little of it, the above uses of rubidium make it an imperative mineral for your well being.

Sourcing the Uses of Rubidium

As rubidium is not very abundant in soil (if at all), food sources of rubidium are quite rare. In fact, a lot of the rubidium used in the United States is brought in from other countries.

Thus, the only source of rubidium for your health is rubidium supplements.

How To Choose A Rubidium Supplement

Do not buy any rubidium supplement that has ingredients such as silica, sugar, starch, artificial colors etc. Such ingredients are additives that are harmful for your body and should thus be avoided.

Buy a rubidium supplement that is made as per pharmaceutical GMP standards so as to ensure that you are getting a safe product.


Source by Henri K. Junttila

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