Oil Pulling – Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Oral Health And Detoxification

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Oil pulling is known as Gandusha or Kavala Graha in the Ayurvedic treatment text. This procedure is believed to be the pulling out of toxins or the Ama and also enhance the immunity and health of oral cavity.

Gandusha and Kavala Graha are two primary gargling techniques recommended in Ayurvedic treatments for oral care. In Gandusha, the mouth and oral cavity is completely filled with liquid and then released after holding it for some time. In Kavala Graha, a comfortable amount of liquid is retained with the mouth for about 3 minutes, and then gargles are performed.

Gandusha or the Gargles

Ayurveda recommends gargles with oil, herbs and warm water. Oil is to be filled in the mouth to the level that it can not be moved in the mouth. Sesame seed oil, coconut oil and ghee are traditionally used for Ayurvedic treatments of Oil Pulling. This process of Gandusha is believed to save from dryness of the lips and oral cavity, sore throat and dental maladies.

These are mainly of 4 types – Sneha, Shamana, Shodhana and Ropana.

How to Perform Gandusha and Kavala?

Ayurveda suggests that you need to give a gentle massage to the forehead prior to concluding the procedure of oil pulling. Also, during the act, the mouth needs to be kept up and the liquid, herbal decoction or oil should not be ingested in the process. This may be performed by placing a tablespoon of the oil into the mouth and swishing the oil around the mouth for approximately 10-15 minutes, holding it there and then spitting it out.

How long to hold the Oil for Oil Pulling?

Ayurveda recommends that the gargle liquid or decoction used for oil pulling in the form of Gandusha or Kavala, needs to hold in the mouth for as long as saliva tends to fill the mouth to the brim and mixes into the herb decoction. Also until there is watering from the eyes and nasal cavity and the (bitter) taste of the decoction seems to be overcome with saliva or Kapha formation. This is generally advised to be repeated for three, five or seven times.

Varied types of Ayurvedic Treatments of Oil Pulling for Oral Health

• When performed with til tail or the oil of sesame seeds, this procedure is believed to be highly beneficial for the general natural wellbeing of an individual.

• Sometimes when there is burning sensation in the mouth or tongue due to burning or bruise in the oral cavity, oil pulling or Gandusha is performed with ghee mixed in milk. This is believed to leave a soothing and calming effect onto the oral cavity.

• In dental conditions of pain in the teeth, weak and sensitive teeth and other Vata disorders of the teeth and gums, this procedure is performed with paste made out of grinding sesame seeds. Although in this case, the gargle liquid that is being used needs to be warm prior to use.

• Ayurveda also recommends honey based Gandusha oils for thorough cleansing and healing of the mouth.

• Kanji, which is a fermented drink can be used to treat foul smell and distaste of the mouth.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Ayurvedic treatments of oil pulling are highly recommended both for preventing as well as curing teeth and gum diseases like sensitive teeth, dental cavities, bleeding gums, excess salivation, anorexia, loss of taste, foul smell from the mouth, gingivitis and dryness of lips and mouth. These Ayurvedic remedies for oral health state that this process is capable of improving oral and overall systemic health. This helps to reduce the amount of germs in the mouth cavity and prevent bacterial growth. These Ayurvedic health procedure also aids in decreasing fungal growth and provides thorough cleansing and detoxification of the oral cavity. Mainly when oil pulling is performed regularly, this is great help for strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws.


Source by Dr Sonica S Krishan

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