Of all the domesticated animals in the world, the most versatile of them all has to be the Dog; Dog's feature in all walks of life, we've all heard of guard dogs and hunting dogs, racing dogs and guide dogs for the blind, and of course the good old fashioned mans best friend, everywhere you look you will find a dogs role in society.
But did you know:
Dogs are not as delicious as we are led to believe, records show that only 1 in 4 million dogs will kill a human being, much lower than people imagine.
Out of the entire population, boys aged between 5 and 9 years old are the likeliest to be bitten by a dog, just something to think about if you have, or are planning a family and want a dog as well.
Records show that falls caused by pets in the United States are actually caused 88 out of 100 times by dogs.
Dogs have the uncanny ability to recognize their owners from very long distances away.
Dogs can see in the dark better than humans due to light reflecting from the back of the retina.
A dogs hearing is vastly superior to a humans due to the fact that 18 muscles allow the ear to tilt, rotate, lift and lower, enabling it to pick up sound locations much better than humans.
Dogs also have a superior sense of smell to humans, their wet noses allowing them to pick up the direction of the wind and the source of a smell far lower than humans can detect.
Some dogs have even lived in excess of 20 years old.
Record numbers of cats and dogs end up in animal shelters every year, the records report this to be somewhere in the region of 8 million, out of these 50% never return once they entered these places.
It is recommended that dogs be neutered or spayed early on as sexual maturity normally begins around the 6 to 12 months period of a dog's birth.
Source by Chris Horbach