Pet Eye Care

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Depending on the type of animal you own, pet eye care could either be an everyday maintenance issue or a complete non-issue without silence strikes. Even when an eye illness does occur, the consequences are quite serious unless the sickness goes untreated. If you've got questions about eye care for your pets, hopefully the following will give you some answers.

We'll start with the smallest first-fish, and the common misconception that fish are unilaterally to suffer from eye problems. In fact, eye problems are rather common in fish, and can be difficult to treat, given we can not lay a fish on the exam table and have a vet take a look! A very common cause of fish eye problems is injury caused by running into the sharp edges of tank décor. In the instances of eye injury and resulting infection, the fish's eye may appear cloudy or scattered. The best thing you can do for a fish with an injured eye is quarantine it in a smaller tank to keep the other fish from picking at it while it heals. An injured fish is free game to other fish in the tank, and the stress of being chased and nipped at will only prolong your injured fish's healing process. To prevent or cure infection, special aquarium antibiotics can be added to the water of your fish's recuperation tank.

When it comes to pet eye care for mammals, eye problems are far easier to treat, but in order to prevent permanent damage, must be done early. For hamsters, mice, and other cage-dwelling rodents, the most common eye issues are infections arising from soiled or dusty bedding. These infections can either result directly in the eyes or can be a symptom of a larger infection, such as a respiratory infection. A rodent with an eye infection will often have one or both eyes sealed shut with a crusty matter. Your vet will be able to give you an ointment to apply once or twice a day and will instruct you to very gently unseal the eyes with a warm, damp washcloth or Q-tip. Even after the infection seems to have cleared, continue using the ointment for another week afterwards, as eye infections often relapse, returning stronger than ever.

Awareness of proper dog eye care and cat eye care is critical as eye infections in cats and dogs are very common – more so in cats and then, more common in kittens. Oftentimes, the infection is little more than the pet version of pinkeye, and will require daily applications of ointment and cleaning. A prolonged or untreated eye infection will inevitably result in scarring of the eye, blindness, and in extreme cases, surgical removal of the entire eyeball. Eye infections are highly communicable between cats and dogs, so if one of your cats or dogs has an infection, be sure to wash your hands immediately after treating the infected animal, and try to keep your pets from rubbing against one another or grooming each other until the infection has cleared up.

Preventative pet eye care for cats, dogs, and smaller mammals involves making sure that your pet living space is kept clean and free of dust, mold, and other debris. Do not allow your dog to play with sharp sticks, and check your rodent cages for protruding wires. Be aware of the common eye problems that can plague certain breeds of dogs. For instance, pugs are notorious for having their eyesball bulge to the point that they can pop out of the dog's skull. While this may look absolutely horrendous, a cool head and an immediate trip to the vet can save the eye, and in many instances, the dog's sight. Other breeds, such as poodles, schnauzers, and other long-haired or wire-haired dogs are prone to blockages of the tear ducts caused by matted fur around the eyes. This can lead to infection, an unpleasant build-up, and blindness, if left untreated. Dogs with special grooming needs should have their eyes wiped once a day with either a warm, damp cloth or special wipes made specifically for your pet's eyes.

Regardless of the type of pet you own, successful pet eye care boils down to vigilance. Not only are eyes the window to the soul, they're also a strong indicator of your pet's overall health. Take time each day to look into your pet's eyes. If you notice that your pet's eyes seem dull, watery, crusty, red-rimmed, or bloodshot, contact your vet immediately for advice.


Source by Barry Mcgee

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