Pet Health – Most Common Skin Problems and How to Prevent Them

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Humans want to keep their skin healthy-away from infections and skin conditions. The same is true with our pets. We want them to be healthy, especially in terms of their skin. There are a few skin conditions that pet owners should be knowledgeable about. They should also know about how these conditions can be prevented.

These conditions can appear as open lesions on the skin. Some hairy animals can experience hair loss on the affected areas. Depending on the causative agent, the affected area can be dry and cracked or have purulent discharges with red, fresh subcutaneous layers.

Poor hygiene is one of the most common causes of skin conditions in animals. So, in order to prevent such skin problems from occurring, owners are expected to bathe or clean their pets regularly or whenever there is a need to do so. The use of antibacterial and antifungal pet soaps, shampoos, or other products can greatly help prevent the development of such conditions.

Remember that there are different products for different problems. As said, antibacterial or antifungal formulations will be best for infections. There are also products specifically made for controlling the shedding of your pet's hair. There are also those that are for allergy control.

However, the type of pet product that you will use can either have good or bad effects your pet's skin. So, do make sure that you only use products that you trust. Those that have good track record in keeping animal's skin healthy will be your best choice.

Even during cold weather, your pet needs to be bathed to get rid of harmful organizations that have found refuge on their skin and hair. You just need to make sure that the water that you will be using is warm enough to ensure their comfort.

Notice that from time to time, your dog will shed off hair or skin. This is normal as they replace the old skin with a healthy one.

Your pet's diet also plays an important role to its skin's health. It is a no brainer that your pet's diet should be rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. The amount of fats and carbohydrates should be limited. This can be provided to your pet simply on the food that you give it or you can give it supplements to make sure that vitamin and mineral requirements are met.

Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most recommended minerals that your pet should take in. These are believed to have good effects on the skin as well as on the body's cells.

More about allergies, you need to be aware of what the causes of your pet's allergies are. Make sure that you avoid them from being exposed to such allergens. One of the most common causes is dog food that is laden with grains. Many dogs are allergic to these and can manifest with breaks or lesions on the skin. Reading the food label will allow you to know what you are giving your pets. You can ensure that there are no stones included or have least amount of grains included. You can even know what nutrients you are giving your pet.


Source by Jerri Torres

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