Pet Travel – Tips For Taking Your Pet On A Plane

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As more and more people fly, more and more pets fly as well. Just as some people get anxious or nervous flying, pets do too. With all the additional security regulations enforced on airlines these days, we are frequently asked for tips on flying with pets.

If you are having a pet, especially a new puppy or kitten, shipped from a breeder to you, we suggest you have the shipper use a SnugglePuppie or SnuggleKittie in the crate. A SnugglePuppie/SnuggleKittie is a cozy stuffed animal for your pet. It comes with a heart beat and heater inside and helps to ease crying, loneliness and separation anxiety. Some freight companies do not like having anything, even a towel, in the crate so you may want to find other shippers who allow our products to ease the anxiety of unaccompanied travel.

Other Important Tips:

1. Have extra copies of vaccination records with you – maybe put one copy in one bag and one in your pet’s carrier.

2. Make sure your pet is comfortable in their crate or carry bag – they must be able to get up and turn around. I put a pee pad, “just-in-case”, on the bottom of my carrier then my pet’s favorite towel (with my smell on it) on top. And even with a SnuggleKittie in the bag, there is more than enough room.

3. Check your pet’s collar before travelling. Be sure your information, including temporary accommodation, is clearly written. If your pet escapes, then you can be contacted.

4. Water is important before the flight. You may want to keep food to a minimum up to 6 hours before travel.

5. Regarding escapes, you must take your pet out of the carrier while you both go through security. This can be one of the most stressful of moments because your pet is “out-of-the-bag” and very capable of running from you. Consider that any pet jewelry may make the detector go off. Plan ahead and put your pet in a nylon collar with plastic ID tags. Be sure to ask that your pet carrier go through the X-ray before you so you can quickly put your pet back in its carrier.

Lastly, consult your veterinarian with any questions or concerns or even vaccination requirements for travel. Giving a tranquilizer before travelling is not recommended for pets, that’s why a SnugglePuppie or SnuggleKittie is a safer, better, natural alternative. Happy Tails and Bon Voyage!


Source by Julee Roth

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