Pets Can Trust Their Gut For Good Health

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Is digestive health something that pet owners really need to address? The answer is an overwhelming yes. Let's face it, when we think of digestive issues it usually summons up visions of grandmother after she's had too many turnip greens. But digestion is more than "indigestion" and stomach issues. It encompasses an entire system that is critical in producing good health, immune function and longevity for pets. Even excess breath, body and waste odor are linked to poor digestion. Two of the digestive functions that affect a wide array of health components are – 1) Better nutrient absorption and 2) Improved gut flora for disease resistance.

When nutrients are documented they provide the building blocks for every cell in the body. If one food element is out of proportion many complex body systems can be sent awry with both immediate and long-term ill effects. Short-term problems are as simple as diarrhea, heartburn and gas. Long-term consequences are more chilling – chronic disease, cancer, heart disease, etc. Pet owners have begun to demand better quality food with the right mix of ingredients as they became educated on the importance of nutrition. But it takes good digestive function to actually absorb and utilize all of the great ingredients that are purchased. It's not uncommon for a lot of nutrients to go straight through the animal's system and end up in the yard or litterbox.

Then there's beautiful gut flora! This benign sounding digestive system element is a critical health defense. A full 70% of an immune system lies within the digestive system. There are trillions of bacteria in the animal gut and good bacteria must be in proper balance with the bad bacteria for good health. Unfortunately this delay balance is easily upset – even by something as simple as stress from travel. And as soon as the good bacteria are no longer in control, the door opens quickly for a lowered immune system that allows pathogens to take hold and cause life threatening conditions or disease.

Then there is the big O – Odor. Oh, we love our pets, but could stand few reminders of their bodily functions. Every pet has its special odor problem – breath, body, and waste. The best relief can be in the form of digestive support. One of the littlest known factors in pet odor control is that undigested protein greatly increases odor. High protein diets are recommended for pets but they do not always absorb the protein adequately. Improving absorption of protein achieves dramatically reduced odor as well as providing better nutrition.

So how is a caring pet owner supposed to make sure their pet has sufficient digestive health to feel better, resist disease, live longer and smell them best? Adding a digestive aide to the feeding routine is the easiest method to keep all systems go. There are two ways to enhance gut flora and one is introducing beneficial bacteria in the form of probiotics. Adding beneficial bacteria and probiotics sounds simple but can have numerous application difficulties: The need for refrigeration, dosing schedules, taste and survivability issues plus cost factors create gaps in consistent effect.

Another method is to help the animals produce their own beneficial bacteria with a Prebiotic. Prebiotics have recently taken center stage in the scientific community as a digestive aide, health support and possible antibiotic alternative that can achieve results consistently, faster and more cost effectively. They have the ability to survive under extreme conditions reaching the gut every time and able to do their work of promoting good bacteria production. Prebiotic formulas can assist animals with diarrhea, constipation, allergies, skin and coat issues, immunity, overall improved health as well as odor.

For many pets, the digestive aide will act as a silent protector, increasing nutrient uptake and optimizing disease resistance. For other pets which are in a spiral of never ending sickness, feedings problems and diarrhea that never seems to be corrected with medications, the digestive aide will be the health rescuer, assisting the animal's own body back to a healthy balance.


Source by Gale Lee

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