Prostate Health – Shrink Prostate Gland

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Prostate health is an issue that faces many men today. Prostate problems occur in 80% of men over the age of 40 and 95% of men over 80. The prostate is a small gland about the size of a small walnut and is located just below the bladder at the base of the penis. It surrounds the urethra and its main function is to produce the seminal fluid which is released during ejaculation. Unlike most body parts, the prostate gland grows larger as men age.

As the prostate grows, the male urethra, the tube through which urine passes, is encircled by the prostate gland. As the prostate grows larger, it pinches the urethra. It becomes harder to urinate forcefully, and have difficulty emptying the bladder completely. The symptom is many trips to urinate.

Prostate herbs are known to shrink and support prostate glands for swelling by reducing enlarged prostate, alleviate pain and inflammation or difficulty urinating, acts as an antiseptic and astringent, shrinks inflamed urinary system tissues, and stimulates urine flow to expel irritants and toxins.

The emphasis is on the prostate glands along with prostatitis, urinary dysfunction, urinary stones and urinary tract infections, relieve inflammation, pain and swelling, fight infection, stimulate peripheral circulation and urine flow, soothe irritated tissues, flush irritants and toxins out of the body, improve digestion, neutralizes excess acidity, dissolves stones, promotes healing, and reduces blood sugar levels. Herbs have the ability to support good blood chemistry, and help cleanse and detoxify. Herbs will relieve the symptoms of prostate problems and maintain a healthy prostate.


Source by Kathy Kafka

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