Protect Your Overall Health With Multi-Vitamins

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Taking a good multi-vitamin everyday can improve your over all health and give you a sense of general well being. It gives your body a boost physically and mentally. There are multivitamins made especially for certain age groups, or certain conditions like pregnancy. It is important to take a multi vitamin in a liquid for to get the most out of it. The body absorbs liquids 5 times more efficiently than taking a pill form. 

Everyone can benefit from taking multi-vitamins. Children need to build healthy strong bones, and athletes need there antioxidants to fight the free radicals from working the body. It helps white blood cells fight off infection, aides in healing wounds, and helps the formation of collagen. People who can really benefit from multi vitamins are people over the age of 55, people who consume a lot of alcohol, extremely active people, athletes, people who are sick, and smokers.

Oxidants and free radicals can be very harmful to the body in high levels. They can damage the membranes in cells and can alter genetics, contributing to a number of diseases that develop like cancer, heart disease, cataracts, premature aging. Free radicals and oxidants are caused by chemicals, toxins, and stress. Smoking and environmental pollution can cause them too. Taking vitamins like Vitamin A, C, and E can help to chase these oxidants down and get rid of them and neutralize free radicals. This will prevent some of there damage. 

Vitamin E can also prevent blood clots and fatty plague that builds up in the arteries. Vitamin C can maintain flexibility of blood vessels and improve the circulation of blood in smokers. Both of these vitamins together can help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Foliate can improve the blood flow through the arteries and all the B vitamins can help prevent hear disease. This is just a few of what some of the vitamins found in a multi vitamin. There are some many beneficial qualities that can come from taking multi vitamins.

Conversely, taking vitamins in very high doses can be very dangerous to the body. The antioxidants in supplements have a pro-oxidant effect on the body that can harm the arteries and can do a lot of damage to the body. Keeping a proper vitamin intake can be simple with help from a healthy diet and a high quality liquid vitamin.

I recommend taking high quality liquid vitamins because they can be absorbed, broken down and digested easier and faster. One example of a high quality liquid vitamin is Bell Liquid Multi Vitamin. It contains all vitamins and minerals needed to support a healthy body and mind. The absorption rate for this liquid multi-vitamin is 85 %. It is a great combination of colloidal minerals, multi vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and herbs. By taking daily vitamin supplements, you will enrich your mind and body, and who wouldn’t want to do that!


Source by Steve A Johnson

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