Selecting a Perfect Dwarf Hamster

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Just like when selecting any other sort of pet, you need to always deal with a reputable pet provider or breeder, when selecting a Dwarf Hamster. There's really no need to continue looking from one place to another based on price, as Hamsters in general are quite cheap to purchase. However there are some things more important than price and you need to always consider asking many questions, particularly when purchasing from a private seller.

On the other hand, a correctly experienced breeder should be able to offer you much more good quality advice and information relating to your selected hamster. A pet supply store may not know the specifics of the hamster you are inquisitive about but they deserve to be able to advise you generally apropos the care hamsters need, and the necessities you must consider. Choosing a Dwarf Hamster need not be a stressful task, and it should be something that you enjoy. Just make sure that your information is correct and the vendor knows what they are talking about.

Always keep an eye open for a healthy looking animal. A Hamster that looks frail, sick or hurt, unhappy or sultry may not be in the best of health and away from the potential of early passing, there's the consideration of any continuing health care from your vet. Look for an animal that you can train yourself and not one that appears to have been already trained.

When selecting a Dwarf Hamster it's best to have a look for a pet that is between 5 and eight weeks old. Small baby hamsters are terribly shy animals and they scare awfully easily. This means that it is a waste of time trying to tame and train a hamster that is too junior. It is always best to wait a bit longer to start training your pet.

Remember too, that a typical lifespan of a Hamster is between two and three years, so there's masses of valuable time between being a baby, and getting too decrepid, so that you happily train your pet and enjoy never-ending hours of happiness together.

When making your call and selecting a Dwarf Hamster, it is important to take your time. Ask to see as many animals as you must, before making your call. It is extraordinarily important for a healthy and happy relationship that you select a physically fit and healthy animal, with a good disposition. When you are examining each animal, check for indications of good health. Stuff like a soft clean fur coat, clear bright eyes, and an animal that feels generally solid, and not limp or thin.

Look at the ears which can provide a good indication of the age of the Hamster. A younger animal will have ears covered in small white hairs, that may gradually disappear, the older the animal becomes. When the hamster is older its ears will be glossy and freed from hair.

Also remember when selecting a dwarf hamster, check the nose, eyes and feet. There should not be any proof of cuts or scratches, watery eyes, and certainly no runny nose.


Source by Mark A Brogan

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