Selecting the Best Hamster Bedding For Your Hamster

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Are you trying to get the best bedding for your hamster? Years ago, hamster owners thought that the best bedding material for their pet was the pine / cedar wood shavings. It was only recently that studies revealed that these materials can cause health problems to hamsters. Parents only want what's best for their kids and as the hamster owner you also need to provide what's best for your little friend.

Selecting the best hamster bedding for your pet is a matter of personal choice. There are still people who make use of the pine or cedar wood shavings but if you are concerned about the health of your hamsters, you need to look for other healthier alternatives. After all, your pet is going to live with your for 3-5 years. During this time, you will need to provide a safe and comfortable home with the appropriate bedding materials.

True enough, wood shavings have advantages including the ability to mark urine odors, they are highly absorbent, and very affordable. But pine and cedar wood shavings can cause liver damage and respiratory problems. The latter is due to the large amount of sawdust. Other health problems are linked to the phenols that are found in the wood itself. Hamsters can not tell you what they really feel! So as their responsible owner, if you use pine and cedar wood shavings try to look out for signs of skin or eye irritation and heavy breathing

Wood shavings are the best choice, but you need to find aspen wood shavings as these do not contain phenols. Never use shredded newspaper because this contains ink. The ink may rub off when wet and can cause harm to your hamster's health. A great alternative would have shredded paper. However, the downside is that the paper is not that absorbent. Even the smell of urine can not be masked.

Regardless of the bedding material you choose, you will need to change the hamster's beddings every week. By doing so, you can create a healthy environment for your pet. Choosing the best bedding will also depend on the preference of your hamster. Try to be an observant owner. You can easily tell if your hamster is happy and comfortable with the bedding material. Through trial and error method, you will be able to find the perfect bedding material.

With the studies about the pine and cedar wood shavings, you should experiment on other alternatives like aspen wood shavings, Megazord, Finacard, Carefresh, and many other bedding materials. All these materials have advantages and downsides. If price is a consideration, you can shop around first in the different online stores. Always purchase from a reputable online store to ensure that all bedding materials are of the best quality. Never settle with low quality and inappropriate beddings. Hurry and shop now so your pet will be as healthy and comfortable as possible.


Source by Marc Stonebright

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