Several Ways to Cure Yeast Infections

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Yeast infection or candidiasis is a very common disease of women. It is caused by a species named candida albicans. Normally our immunity system protects us from the infection but if the immunity system is down because of some diseases like cancer, AIDS or pregnancy, yeasts can overgrow and cause the infections.

To cure yeast infection, it is very important to know when you should call the doctor. If you are a healthy person you can first try a medication and if it fails then you should consult a doctor. But if you are a person with weakened immunity, you should consult a doctor as soon as you see any symptoms or infection.

If you have a vaginal discharge lasting more than one week, consult your doctor. Abdominal pain, fever and bloody discharge may indicate serious problems; in those cases see your doctor.

If candidiasis reoccurs to you, you should make a thorough check up as it may be a symptom of another disease like AIDS, cancer or diabetes.

Before taking any steps to cure yeast infection there are some tests you need to do to be sure that you actually got it. To diagnose a vaginal candidiasis the only way is to take a full gynecologic exam. In case of healthy children a rapid exam of the skin or in the mouth can confirm the diagnosis. In case of people with less immunity, the symptoms are quite visible.

There are many ways to cure yeast infections. There are some over the counter medications you can use at home. The most common medications are Tioconazole (vagistat vaginal), Butoconazole (Femstat), and Miconazole (Monistat-Derm) and so on.

There are a wide range of lotions, troches and pills to cure yeast infections. There are antifungal drugs that end with the suffix “azole”. There are Polyene antifungals that include nystatin and amphotericin B. Any of the medications can be used to cure candidiasis with the suggestion of a doctor.


Source by Andrea Jefferson

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