Site Safety Requirements – Industrial Health & Safety

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Let's begin talking about site safety by mentioning the safety equipment that needs to be worn by everyone on site at the time. When thinking about these important tools, the first thing that is most likely to pop into people's minds is the safety helmet. These tough and durable pieces of equipment are cushioned on the inside for comfort and added protection and can be strapped to a person's head so as not to fall off at an inportune time. The helmets prevent injury from falling objects, low-hanging scaffolds or pipes, etc. Another piece of equipment that is important, especially to those working with machines, is safety goggles. Flying sparks are a common sight in most industrial sites, and without the proper protection over the eyes, burns and serious injury, including blindness, can occur. Among these important pieces of safety equipment are ear buds. These should be worn by everyone on an industrial site in order to prevent hearing loss or damage of the inner ear due to loud noises that are typical when working among a mass of machinery.

One of the most common injuries on site is a fall. Workers who need to be placed on scaffolding for one reason or another, or who work on walkways, are at serious risk of falling, which, needless to say, could lead to serious injuries. With a proper PPE in place, worker fall accidents can be reduced significantly. These are pieces of piping set above wait level that will keep workers safe on small platforms at tall heights. Fires are also a worry at industrial sites, and so proper safety requirements must be put into place in case of a fire. These include sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers placed throughout the site, and an escape route that workers can take in case of an emergency. Worker health risks on site are many, and there are times when a body simply can not take much more of the strenuous conditions on an industrial site. If a heart attack, stroke, or any such instance occurs, an industrial site must have a first aid station ready and CPR and First Aid certified individuals on site at all times.

As you can see, the dangers of working in an industrial site are many, which make mandatory safety requirements a must in order to ensure worker safety. While there are other dangers on the site that can be noted (slip and fall, etc.) and equipment that can be used (steel boots, etc.) what has been covered here are important safety requirements for any industrial site. When followed, workers are ensured a safer place to work, although it would be difficult to eliminate the safety hazards completely.


Source by James Martindale

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