Spring comes and so do the rains. We're all aware of the result of mixing rain and soil, you get mud. Ever try to drive through mud thinking your car will make it through the muck only to have the wheels begin spinning? The harder you hit the gas the deer you sink in the mud. There are two things you can do: you can sit there and wait for the mud to dry out (that could take days or weeks) or figure out how to develop traction under the wheels so you can get some grip and get free.
Your diagnosis is the mud. It's easy to get mired in the mud physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The words from the doctor informing you of your health status are that sinking feeling that begins the process of feeling stuck. It's too easy to sit on the pot pot and wallow away in the mud, but there are better ways for you to spend your time and energy. If you do not get the tools to get out of the mud you can expend lots of energy but not get anywhere. You become like a hamster on a wheel; going fast but making no progress. What will it take for you to get some traction in facing the health challenge?
Good information will allow you to make good decisions; that gives you traction. Having a network support not only provides comfort but your support team serves as a sounding board for strategy building; that gives you traction. Developing good relationships with your providers means you have better access at times when you need it the most; that gives you traction.
It's not rocket science, but you have to make the choice to get out of the mud. No one is going to do it for you. I guess you could call a life tow truck to pull you out of the mess; who's that person in your life? The tow truck is the person who has consistently saved you from yourself in a variety of situations. Do you think it's fair for them to do all the work? Is that the message you want to send to your mind, body and spirit; that you need to be saved because you do not have the desire or stamina to pull yourself up? You can do better!
The mud is a hindrance but you can learn to gain territory if you get stuck. The real goal is to learn to avoid the mud by staying on dry land so you always have the transaction you need to continue you're journey to health and healing.
Source by Greg Katz