Small Daily Steps Toward Goals and Resolutions Add Up – Strive For Good Health and Happiness!

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Name three things that consistently bring joy and happiness to your life – things that you love to do, experience, see, hear, achieve, feel:

1. _________
2. _________
3. _________

My response would have to be exercising, writing and photography – three things that I already do pretty much every day (my goal is to exercise every day, for instance, but my pattern typically is every other day). I contemplate questions of this nature on a regular basis because they enable me to set better priorities, and achieve my dreams, resolutions and daily goals at the same time that I strive for more balance in my life.

For too many years, I burned the candle at both ends and my life was out of whack: Too much work and not enough play and relaxation. Having major surgery one year ago, on May 27, was a wake up call to take better care of myself physically and spiritually, and to slow down. Long before my surgery, I had acknowledged that I needed to apply the brakes and I made some serious attempts to relax. Sometimes my business and career would win out and I would be back on the hamster wheel. Not any more. While I love what I do professionally, and I work hard to do a good job, I am re-tooling my lifestyle. When a client decided not to renew last December, I cut my expenses rather than automatically find another client. Occasionally I will add new business projects, but for now am taking better care of my health and spending more time nurturing creative projects.

In addition to fulfilling my business and home responsibilities in 2009, I am consciously working to fill my days with more 'fun and joy' by doing things that I love to do: things that bring a smile to my face and put a song in my heart. My 'daily conflicts' reflect the array of small habits and activities that bring joy, good health, happiness, and reward to my life. My 'daily resolves' make me feel good, fulfilled and content because I am not neglecting important parts of my life, the parts that nourish my spirit and good health. Putting myself first and taking good care of 'me' enables me to maintain 'top physical and mental form' and, in turn, Promotes greater productivity. Sometimes doing a little less in the short run, enable one to do a little more in the long run.

Bottom line: I intend make good health and happiness a priority each and every day, as part of my 365-day effort to take small, proactive, focused, measurable, manageable, steps toward my dreams, resolutions and daily goals. With Memorial Day now a memory and the dog days of Summer peeking over the horizon, I am brainstorming and scheduling 'health and happiness' activities that I intend to pursue. I hope you will rev up your own lifestyle with some favorite activities – things that put a spring in your step and a promotion a sense of childish anticipation for the good things that are yet to come.


Source by Kim Simpson

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