Some Of The Most Important Global Health Products

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Some of the important health products that are needed globally include the following Vaccinations. Vaccinations are vital especially for children. Some of the diseases children are immunized against include hepatitis A, Meningococcal disease and chicken pox.

Vaccines are vital global health products that need to be readily available in health centers. Dipheria, polio, measles, mumps, Rubella and tetanus vaccines are other of the important vaccinations that need to be readily available for the children in rural as well as the urban settings.

Different vaccines are administered at different ages. Some of these immunizations will have mild side effects on the child such as a fever and soreness at the point where the shot was given. Some severe side effects can include neurological damage, cancer and even death. This can be as a result of vaccination with vaccines containing toxic substances such as mercury and aluminum phosphate.

Condoms. When used correctly and consistently, condoms are sure ways to prevent against sexually transmitted diseases. These are crucial global health products which their use is being highly advised in effort to control HIV/AIDS. Condoms are available for both men and women with various sizes, shapes and flavors. Some are lubricated to make it more comfortable during use.

Condoms have been made available for free in among others, institutions such as schools to encourage safe sex among students. Although it has been questioned that making condoms easily accessible will make the students feel more prone to having sex. However, according to the World Health Organization, the provision of sex education, condoms and counseling does not mean that the children will initiate sexual relationships. Access to these and may other essential global health products is being checked by not only the government but non governmental organizations as well.

According to the World Health Organizations’ World’s malaria report for 2010, 2.23% of deaths throughout the world were as a result of malaria. Drugs to treat conditions such as malaria are global health products that sometimes lack in some areas especially those living in poverty. The lack of these medications results to deaths especially among children and expectant women. Malaria can also be prevented using medicines such as malarone and chloroquine. It can also be prevented by sleeping under a treated mosquito net. WHO has however noted progress in fighting against malaria with more than 50% reduction in malaria cases in 43 countries over the past decade.


Source by Emma Wanjiku

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