Staying Young – Effective Easy Tips to Combat Aging

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If there was a method to escape and defy time and enjoy the pleasure of staying your forever would you take it? I would and I am sure you would too. You might think this sounds impossible but the good news is it is very possible. It is just a matter of giving extra care and attention to yourself and emphasizing your features to bring out the best of what you have. I will share some very easy steps in this article that you can follow to start defying your age.

Since a long time ago, it was observed that smoking is bad not only for health but it also damages the skin. Over time, people have become more aware that smoking is bad because the effects were very evident among chronic smokers. Some of the effects include premature lines and folds coming from the corner of the eyes to the zygomatic are. Although this is a natural aging process, smoking accelerates this process. Smoking causes the skin to have dry and leathery appearance, haggard appearance and more.

Nicotine in cigarettes acts as a vasoconstrictor which constricts the blood flow in our body and hence inhibits the smooth and easy flow of oxygen and nutrients to their destination. Besides that, nicotine has a diuretic effect in which it saps the body of moisture making our skin tough and dry.

Carbon monoxide, a harmful component produced by smoking, has higher affinity to blood cells than oxygen. That means it reduces the amount of oxygen to many areas.Smoking also contains a large number of free radicals that attack healthy cells and damage normal tissues.

Cigarettes also produce a large number of free radicals that attack healthy cells and damage normal body tissues. Smoking also reduces the amount of Vitamin A which is used a repair tool for the body. Collagen which is a protein that produces new and healthy skin is also significantly reduced through smoking.

By having a proper posture and putting your shoulders back you can experience a boost in health and appearance. Besides that, you can look slimmer and more confident by just having a proper posture. People who have good posture tend to look healthier, slimmer and more confident. In fact, you can get an instant weight loss of 10 pounds in the eyes of others by having a proper posture.

A correct posture puts your muscles, joints and your organs in their correct position. The chances of you suffering from back and neck problems are significantly reduced as well. You can also prevent your spine from becoming abnormally fixed which can lead to fatigue, headaches and some organ problems. With a correct posture you can also experience less strain because you do not have to overstrain your muscles.

A 10-year study indicated that couples who are in their 40’s who have sex at least three times a week look younger than those who enjoy it less often. The study even indicated that the faces of these couple have less lines and wrinkles, and have smoother and suppler skin. They credited this to the wonders of Oxytocin. It is a hormone released during sex that reduces stress. Having sex at nighttime is helpful, too!


Source by Ray Lam Jw

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