SWTOR Imperial Agent Class Review

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The Imperial Agent class is the spy of the Empire relying on stealth and cunning to get behind enemy lines and take out their target or recon valued information. This class is very versatile since you can spec for close range dps, long range dps, or healing. The Imperial Agent has a high grade mesh armor that provides protection while allowing for quick motions. They use Blaster Rifles, Energy Blades and Sniper Rifles if spec'd for them. The starting abilities for the Imperial Agent are:

  • Rifle Shot- fire 2 quick shots
  • Shiv- Stab the target with your energy blade for initial damage plus 3seconds of light damage
  • Take Cover- Evasion increase
  • Recuperate-Recover Health and Energy over 15 seconds when out of combat
  • Snipe-High damage rifle shot. Only usable when in cover
  • Laser Target- Increase damage to a target by 80% for 30 seconds. Must be in cover to use this
  • Weapon Proficiency: Rifle- Able to equip Blaster Rifle
  • Show Cover- Shows all nearby cover areas

The Imperial Agent class has 2 advanced classes:

Operative- The Operative uses Blaster Rifles and Energy Blades and has 2 skill trees to choose from. You can choose Concealment which will improve your stealth and close ranged attacks for some nice burst damage. The other choice is Medic which focuses on healing and protecting your allies during combat.

Sniper- The Sniper uses a Sniper Rifle and has 2 skill trees to choose from. You can choose Marksmanship which will allow you to take out goals from a great distance from the safety of cover. The other choice is Engineering which allows you to upgrade your droids and probes to weaker your opponent.

Both advance classes share the Lethality tree which allows you to use poisons to debilitate your opponent over the course of a fight.

Each class in SWTOR has 5 companions that help them with crafting, gathering, and can come along on missions. The Imperial Agents companions are:

Kaliyo Djannis

• Species: female Rattataki

• Planet: Hutta

• Role: Ranged DPS

Armor: Medium

• Weapons: Dual Wield Pistols

• Default Kit: Grenade

• Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical


• Species: Droid

• Planet: Belsavis

• Role: Ranged Tank

• Weapons: Blaster Pistol, Shield Generator

Armor: Heavy

• Default Kit: Shield

Doctor Lokin

• Species: male Human

• Planet: Taris

• Role: Melee Tank

• Armor: Light

• Weapons: Vibrosword and Shield Generator

• Default Kit: Ground Slam

• Crew Skills: +15 Biochem Efficiency, +10 Research Efficiency

Vector Hyllis

• Species: male Human

• Planet: Alderaan

• Role: Melee DPS

Armor: Medium

• Weapon: Vibrostaff

• Default Kit: Ground Slam

• Crew Skills: +5 Bioanalysis Efficiency, +5 Diplomacy Critical

Ensign Raina Temple

• Species: female Human

• Planet: Quesh

• Role: Ranged Healer

Armor: Medium

• Weapons: Pistol and Shield Generator

• Default Kit: Med Pack

• Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Armormech Critical

This gives you a quick SWTOR Imperial Agent Class Review so you can decide if this character fits your play style.


Source by C. Rosemond

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