5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Can You Be Allergic to Chinchillas?

[ad_1] Chinchillas are lovable and endearing and offer many years of companionship for the owner but can you be allergic to chinchillas? A not so well known info is that…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Hay Fever and Allergic Rhinitis Treatments and Relief

[ad_1] Hayfever and allergic rhinitis can cause misery to millions of people worldwide. In the U.S. it is estimated that as many as 30 million people suffer from these medical…

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Glaucoma - Hamster Health

Achooo! Are You Allergic to Your Home?

[ad_1] House dust! How bad can it be? Well, the EPA ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health. It is estimated that up to…

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