Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Stress – The Secret of Being Content, Balanced and Focused

[ad_1] We need to remember that our bodies were designed to go into fight or flight to save us from the dangers of being hurt, ateen or killed by a…

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Pet Hamster Care - Are You Up to the Challenge?

Can Treats and Indulgences Be Part of a Balanced Diet?

[ad_1] Everyone loves an indulgence. It’s a special treat that isn’t part of our everyday life and spells thoughts of luxury, something special that gives us real pleasure. In our…

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Benefits of Keeping a Hamster As a Pet

A Hamster’s Balanced Diet

[ad_1] To maintain a hamster in good health you have to give it a balanced diet. Give him proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Proteins are good for…

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Benefits of Keeping a Hamster As a Pet

How to Give Your Hamster a Healthy and Balanced Diet

[ad_1] Hamsters, like humans, have varied dietary requirements. In the wild, they live off a wide range of foods, including grains, seeds, fruit, vegetables, and small insects. Of course, a…

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