Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Cushing's Disease – Finding a Natural Way to Heal

[ad_1] Cushing's disease will occur when the body is exposed to high levels of cortisol for a long period. Many people experience this syndrome as a side-effect of taking necessary…

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Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Cushing's Disease – Tough to Diagnose in Dogs

[ad_1] Stealer's muscles weakened. He was sluggish and began having accidents in the house. His belly sagged and his hair was falling out. His owners thought Stealer was just getting…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Cushing's Disease Defined

[ad_1] When high doses of steroids are taken for a long period, the result is Cushing's disease. Drugs such as prednisone, dexamethasone or hydrocortisone are often used in excessive amounts…

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