I Went Scuba Diving in a Zorb Ball & You Have to See What Happened… (Swimming on Land Challenge) - i went scuba diving in a zorb ball you have to see what happened swimming on land challenge

I Went Scuba Diving in a Zorb Ball & You Have to See What Happened… (Swimming on Land Challenge)

SUBSCRIBE ► So I went scuba diving in a zorb ball as a science experiment to see what happens if you fill a zorb ball with water and get in…

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大車輪で遊んだら奇跡の技が決まった!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターWhen hamster played with a giant swing, the miracle happened

チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★ ■Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! ■Twitter ■Instagram ■Facebook ■内容——————————– 大車輪で遊んだら奇跡の技が決まった!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターWhen hamster played with a giant swing, the miracle happened エアロバイクで大車輪を楽しむゴールデンハムスターのチーズJr.くん。 最高難度(G)?の大技を次々と決める!! Golden hamster cheese Jr. who enjoys…

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STORY - What really happened to my cat & hamster storytime - story what really happened to my cat hamster storytime

STORY – What really happened to my cat & hamster storytime

A storytime about what happened to my cat and how we ended up with our hamster who we found in the parking lot XD P O B O X If…

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I Crossed Countries by Sea in a Zorb Ball & You Won't Believe What Happened (Zorb at Sea Challenge) - i crossed countries by sea in a zorb ball you wont believe what happened zorb at sea challenge

I Crossed Countries by Sea in a Zorb Ball & You Won’t Believe What Happened (Zorb at Sea Challenge)

SUBSCRIBE ► After I spent the night on a lake in a zorb ball and it was insane (sleep on a lake challenge) I decided to step it up a…

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( SFM )What happened when Bendy touched Alice - Pete the Hamster - sfm what happened when bendy touched alice pete the hamster

( SFM )What happened when Bendy touched Alice – Pete the Hamster

I saw this a while ago and thought it would be funny to do something like this , so enjoy ! :3 Special thanks to Pete the Hamster for letting…

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事故は起こるべくして起きた!おもしろ可愛いハムスターA hamster accident happened to occur and got up

ハムハム食パンを食べたがるブラックバンデッドのオセロくん。 まさかの事故に・・・ チャンネル登録よろしくお願いしますm(*_ _)m Thanks for subscribing to my channel! ■Twitter ■Instagram どうしてこんなに懐いてるの??と思った方は こちらの動画も見てみてください(*^^*)↓ ★★ハムスターを懐かせたい方必見★★ ⚫【成功例】ハムスターのなつかせ方 ⚫噛まないハムスターの育て方!噛みグセのなおし方! ⚫懐いて肩まで登ってくる動画はこちら↓↓ ⚫なつきやすいハムスターの選び方↓↓ ⚫初めての飼育!懐いてもらうための一週間! お家作り、トイレのしつけ、ごはんのあげ方! ⚫暑さ対策!熱中症予防! ・凍らせたペットボトル 保冷持ち時間は? ・保冷剤 保冷持ち時間は? ・冷感プレート ・エアコン24時間つけっぱなし 1か月の電気代はいくら? キンクマハムスター チーズくん、カラーハムスターブラックバンデッドオセロくんの動画をご覧いただきありがとうございます(*´v`) そしてあたたかいコメントをくださる皆さま、 いつもとても楽しく拝見し、励みにさせていただいております!!…

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WHAT'S HAPPENED? | funny incidents [hamster] - whats happened funny incidents hamster

WHAT’S HAPPENED? | funny incidents [hamster]

My hamster Chip sometimes has wild actions. A smell of feed makes him crazy. チップは時々野性的になるよ。 食べ物の匂いがすると大変なんだ。 Ricchi’s Research Channel source: Youtube

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