Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Keeping your New Years Health & Fitness Resolutions in 2007

[ad_1] Yes, it is that time again when most of us decide to make some changes in life. These are normally related to our health. Stop smoking, start training, lose…

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Our New Pet: Hamster Totoro - our new pet hamster totoro

Our New Pet: Hamster Totoro

Hamsters are such friendly animals! I used to have them as a kid. Now my kids got one very big one. She is so friendly and funny to watch her…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Keeping Your Rat Happy

[ad_1] The BIGGEST rule when picking out a home for your rat (or any rodent for that matter) is to NOT get an aquarium! Be 100% sure you get a…

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カメラ目線でレタスを食べ続けるハムスター!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターFunny hamster keeping eating lettuce while watching the camera!

チャンネル登録お願いします☆ Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! ■Twitter ■Instagram ■Facebook 初めてのレタスを食べるゴールデンハムスターのチーズJr.くん。 こっちをじっと見ながら食べてくれてうれしいっ❤ ★ハムスターを懐かせたい方必見★ ⚫【成功例】ハムスターのなつかせ方 ⚫噛まないハムスターの育て方! ⚫なつきやすいハムスターの選び方 ⚫初めての飼育!懐いてもらうための一週間!家作りトイレ餌のあげ方 ⚫ハムスター初めてのお散歩はいつから? ⚫熱中症予防 ↓ ↓ ↓ ★ハムスターを飼いたくなる動画★ ⚫ウエハースに口の水分持ってかれたハムスター! ⚫怒るハムスターキャベツに八つ当たりする! ⚫飼い主が倒れたらハムスターは助けてくれるのか?part1 ⚫飼い主が倒れたらハムスターは助けてくれるのか?part2 ⚫ASMR ♯4…

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Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Importing and Keeping Pets in Spain

[ad_1] If you want to bring your pet into Spain when you relocate there are a few things that you must put into place beforehand. The rules differ depending on…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

The Simplicity of Keeping Kosher

[ad_1] There is simplicity in keeping kosher if you are Jewish. It is in the Torah, and not hard to decipher. One need not be Jewish to read and understand…

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Dwarf Hamster Care - A Pocket Pet For You?

Keeping Pets Healthy Through Veterinary Compounding

[ad_1] Whether you know it or not, the medications that you give your pet have most likely been produced by a compounding pharmacy. Customized medications are a vital part of…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Keeping a Pet Spider

[ad_1] Spiders might not be for everyone, but for some people they are fascinating and ingenious little creatures that make unique pets. There are over 38,000 spider species in the…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Keeping Rodents Out of Your Pet Food

[ad_1] Mice and rats are the bane of rural and urban residents across America. Pet owners find that they are especially prone to the attentions of these vexing vermin, as…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

The Actual Costs of Keeping a Hamster For a Pet

[ad_1] When people want a rodent to be a family pet, they often choose hamsters. Hamsters can be cute and adorable but when not handled correctly, they can get vicious….

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