Dwarf Hamster Care - A Pocket Pet For You?

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally Without Using Medicine

[ad_1] When you get a yeast infection, chances are that you want to get rid of it as soon as possible because of the itching, redness and pain that it…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Seize the Herb – Miracles in Alternative Medicine With Moringa

[ad_1] Moringa and miracles, sweet dreams are made of these. It is said that herbs are the friends of the physician, and the pride of the healing gods. A tree…

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Glaucoma - Hamster Health

Homeopathy – A Holistic System of Medicine

[ad_1] o History of Homeopathy o What is Homeopathy? o Why Homeopathy? History of Homeopathy Homeopathy was discovered in Germany 200 years back by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He was a…

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Alternative Health Products Vs Modern Medicine

[ad_1] If you had to pick an issue that has been carving out its own corner of the debt market among the medical community in recent years you would have…

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Pet Hamster Care - Are You Up to the Challenge?

Importance Of Medicine In Our Daily Lives

[ad_1] Medicine is considered as one of the most important necessity to all of us. It is derived from the Latin words ars medicina meaning “the art of healing”. It…

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Glaucoma - Hamster Health

Spiritual Medicine, Computers & The Brain – Rebooting The Wisdom And Spirit Of The Body And Mind

[ad_1] “Calmness or harmony is a natural aspect of the mind.” – Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, January 2000 When I think of the term ‘spiritual’ in combination with medicine or healing,…

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Are Essential Oils in Your Medicine Cabinet?

[ad_1] These days, between drug stores and TV commercials, we're inundated with so many choices to treat pain, colds and flus, diarrhea, upset stomachs, allergies, and so on. How do…

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4 Natural Eastern Medicine Acne Treatments

[ad_1] Why don’t we leave the western world and travel a bit to find another type of remedy for your acne. Eastern cures for acne have been developed over thousands…

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Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Medicine For The Body Electric

[ad_1] Everyone's talking about energy! Not just the energy that we use to fuel our cars, wash clothes, or turn on the lights, but the energy that makes up all…

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Dwarf Hamster Health and Breeding Tips

Why Chinese Medicine is Important For Your Health

[ad_1] In this talk, I wish to indicate the importance of your health and how this can be seen or interpreted by a trained physician in Chinese medicine. It is…

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