Pet Hamster Care - Are You Up to the Challenge?

Alzheimers Prevention and Brain Health

[ad_1] First I want to assume that you are reading this because you are starting to worry just a little bit about your memory and the possibility of Alzheimers later…

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Dwarf Hamster Care - A Pocket Pet For You?

3 Best Foods for Kidney Stone Prevention

[ad_1] Suffering from stone formation in the kidneys is one of the most common concerns for most people out there. Unhealthy food habits and inadequate water consumption are considered as…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Gluten Allergy Symptoms and Prevention For Men and Women

[ad_1] Millions of People around the world suffer from food allergy. Science has yet to discover the specific cause of this type of allergic reaction and why some people becomes…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Zika Virus – Symptoms, Prevention & the World’s Thought

[ad_1] International Recommendation: New Zealand and world health authorities are continuing to monitor the spread of Zika virus. There is ongoing research about how it can affect infected people. On…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Gonorrhea Cure and Prevention For Healthy Living

[ad_1] Numbers of people infected with Gonorrhea are rising; on the other hand, this might be because a lot of people are being verified as cures have improved. Treatment for…

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Dwarf Hamster Care - A Pocket Pet For You?

Prevention of Mold-Related Health Problems

[ad_1] Breathing problems Notice that when you're moving in a room that is seldom properly ventilated, you'll be experiencing difficulties in breathing in just a few minutes. This is because…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Skin Cancer Symptoms and Prevention

[ad_1] Despite the medical evidence available on skin cancer, our society insists on tanning beds and sunbathing without using the proper protection, as we can find many youth and teenagers…

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Glaucoma - Hamster Health

Sick Dwarf Hamster Prevention

[ad_1] Nobody likes to get sick, this statement definitely holds true with dwarf hamsters. Not only is it unsuitable for the hamster, but it's no walk in the park for…

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長生きにはブロッコリー!おもしろ可愛いハムスターBroccoli is effective for hamster tumor prevention

ブロッコリーを食べるブラックバンデッドのオセロくん。 ハムスターの病気の中で一番恐ろしいもの、それは腫瘍。 腫瘍を予防できる野菜、それがブロッコリー&ブロッコリースプラウトです。 ブロッコリーに含まれるスルフォラファンと呼ばれる物質は 腫瘍(ガン)の原因となる物質を無毒化し、さらに活性酸素を撃退してくれるんです。 うちではスーパーでブロッコリースプラウトが手に入らないので毎日ブロッコリーをあげています。 どうかいつまでも健康で長生きしてね! そして教えてくださったピンころさん! ありがとうございました!! どうしてこんなに懐いてるの??と思った方は こちらの動画も見てみてください(*^^*)↓ ★★ハムちゃんを懐かせたい方必見★★ ⚫【成功例】ハムスターのなつかせ方 ●噛まないハムスターの育て方!噛みグセのなおし方! ⚫懐いて肩まで登ってくる動画はこちら↓↓ ●なつきやすいハムスターの選び方↓↓ ●初めての飼育!懐いてもらうための一週間! お家作り、トイレのしつけ、ごはんのあげ方! キンクマハムスター チーズくん、カラーハムスターオセロくんの動画をご覧いただきありがとうございます(*´v`) そしてあたたかいコメントをくださる皆さま、 いつもとても楽しく拝見し、励みにさせていただいております!! 本当にありがとうございます!! いつでもコメントお待ちしておりますので これからもどうぞよろしくお願いいたします( *・ω・)*_ _))ペコリン ★★ハムちゃんを飼いたくなる動画★★ ⚫ハムスターがボロボロになった理由 ⚫ハムスターが飼いたくなる!不器用な脱出…

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